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m- 'hey'

l- 'hi'

m- 'good news'

l- 'what'

m- 'im definitly planning on moving to italy'

l- 'omg yay I miss you so much'

m- ' I miss you too'

l- 'how have you been holding up from the breakup'

m- 'well im sad of course but it wasnt a bad one and I figured since im moving our distance clearly wont be a problem so maybe we'll date again'

l- 'im sure he wont have a problem with that... also what would you do if for his birthday I bought him a ticket to go to America and spend like a week there'

m- 'I would be super happy and probably cry'

l- 'well youre going to be crying soon cause hes coming tomorrow'

m- 'omg really wait italy tomorrow or California tomorrow'

l- 'california tomorrow I think the ticket said 5:30 at night he'll be there. he was going to surprise you but I think you knowing is better'

m- 'its much better... I already have a plan for him. since tomorrows Sunday we'll go out to dinner and then I wont go to school all next week and ill show him around here'

l- 'he'll love that anyways I Gotta go help him pack hes leaving in 4 hours'

m- 'oof ok bye love and miss you'

l- 'love and miss you too'

well now I have to get my house ready for him

m- I have great news

j- what

m- Lucas coming to cali for Sunday and the rest of the week for his birthday

j-omg I can meet him finally also try and get back together tell him about how youre moving

m- im so excited 

j- im excited for you well go clean your house I have a feeling its a mess

m- ugh it is

I smile putting my phone down as I start to clean my house 

*4 hours later*

I finally finish cleaning my house and I go on my phone 

I have a few texts that I missed during the cleaning 

Jonah- im sorry for this morning can I please have a second chance

me- no you can not your an asshole and a dick and I dont like that also my ex that you made be my ex is coming to cali tomorrow so do not try and talk to me

j- I said I was sorry though

m- I dont care im done with you go find someone else

j- fine youre a bitch anyways 


luciano(luca)- 'hey lo surprised me with a ticket to America to see you for the week and im coming in 13 hours ill see you then send me your address so I can surprise you with my arrival lol'

m- ' I cant wait *address*' 

l- 'I heard youre moving to italy after school'

m- 'yup and im going to do online school and visit here just for my friend'

l- 'maybe we can try again I mean no distance right'

m- 'I would be happy with trying again :)'

l- 'perfect well ill see you semi soon'

m- 'see you then isn't it weird that right now its 1 in the afternoon for you which for you would mean you see me in 4 hours but a plane from Italy to cali is a 13 hour plane ride but youre seeing me at 5:30 my time'

l- 'that hurt my brain'

m- 'it hurt mine too lol'

l- 'well the planes boarding now see you soon'

m- 'bye, stay safe love you'

l- 'love you too'


l- 'I may or may not have just arrived in California.. and I may or may not have just got off the plane... and I may or may not be on my way to get in a car and drive to your house'

m- 'oh thats a lot of may or may nots'

l- 'one last thing... I may or may not love you'

m- 'oh well I may or may not love you too'

I smile putting my phone down and I quickly run upstairs to make sure everything is okay and clean

I quickly go to the bathroom and make sure I dont look like total trash before walking downstairs waiting for him to arrive

an hour later and I finally get a knock on my door.. im assuming he had to get his bags and find a way to get here making him late but thats okay

I quickly run to the door and open it with a smile

I open the door to see Luca standing there with flowers in his hand 

I quickly embrace him in a really tight hug and I feel a tear roll down my face

'im so happy youre here'

'im happy too it was such a boring but exciting plane ride'

I laugh and we walk in the house

'wow your house is beautiful'

'thanks I guess' 

'youre more beautiful though' he says kissing me

'I missed this'

'I did too even though I knew it was what was best for us breaking up I still missed you' 

'well enough of this depressing stuff lets go to eat are you hungry?'


'good I have a place in mind' I say smiling


we go in my car and I start to drive to the restaurant 

'omg what are you doing youre going to get us killed' he yells as soon as we get on to the highway gripping the handle bar

'what are you talking about' I say panicky 

'youre on the wrong side of the road duh'

'oh my god you are adorable in America we drive on the right not the left'

he quickly relaxes and replaces his hand on the handle bar to his hand in mine

'oh im sorry' he says a little embarrassed

'dont be I was the same way in italy' 

we arrive at the restaurant and walk out of the car into the entrance

I put my name in and sit down in the waiting area with Luca 

'woah everyone talks so fast here'

'I know but we sound even crazier when we talk... we talk faster and in another language' 

we have a conversation about the differences with America and Italy when the door of the restaurant opens to reveal the boys. ew why do they have to ruin my fun

I roll my eyes at them as they walk in each boy turning and smiling at me. last was Jonah with some hoe 

✅ Why Don't We High School ✅Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin