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'So how do you like italy so far'

'Well this is the only time I'm seeing it so far and so far it's really nice'

'I agree I love it So how do you know Lorenzo'

'My aunt married his dad'

'Oh cool that's why I've never seen or heard of you'


'So far do you like it here or in California better'

'Here's much better... it's prettier, has nicer people, has better looking guys, has nicer guys, and all around a great place'

'So speaking of good looking guys do I count'

'I guess'

'Well I think you are much better looking than any of the girls here'

'I don't think so'

'No im serious you're beautiful'

I start blushing and try to hide my face

'I know we just met but I think we should be friends'

'I don't know... you kinda hate my cousin and h-.'

'Oh don't worry about that I can be nicer to him I actually like him he's nice it's just he hates me so it's just easier to be mean'

'Well if you and him can be nicer to each other than we can be friends'

'Done... now can we be friends'


'Well normally friends have each other's numbers so'

'was that just your way to get my number'

'Yeah' he says embarrassedly

'Well in that case here's my number' I say giving him a piece of paper with my number on it (pretend she found a pen and paper)

He gives me his number and we start to walk back to the group of people

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