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*next morning*

"good morning babe" I hear Jonah say before he kisses my forehead waking me up

"dont think I forgot about last night im still mad"

"ugh I was just joking stop taking everything so seriously"

"it wasnt a funny joke and it actually really hurt my feelings"

"oh my god I 'hurt your feelings' grow up"

"wow thanks for showing me how much of a dick you are... im done with you and we barely even started... goodbye Jonah" I say getting up and leaving

"well sorry I cant deal with having a child as a girlfriend"

"and I cant deal with having an asshole as a boyfriend" I say slamming his door and leaving the house

I drive home and text Jess

m- ugh im so done with boys

j- what happened

m- okay so I told you how I had to tutor the boys right

j- yeah

m- so when I was done tutoring them I was trying to leave as fast as I could and jonah apparently didnt want me to leave or something so he grabbed my arm and turned me so I wasnt facing the door and then it was just filled with sexual tension and we ended up making out on his couch and Daniel saw and got upset.

j- omg Nicole why


j- anyways continue the story

m- so then they fought and I had to bring him to the hospital and we werent supposed to go back to school so we stayed home... then I told corbyn to get Daniel and Jonah came instead..and he said that he wanted to have sex with me so I told him that he can come over later that night

j- smh

m- so later on he came over and we well fucked and then he left so the boys wouldn't be suspicious but oh yeah they were... so we were texting the whole night flirtatious and that kinda stuff and then I dont even know how it happened but we ended up 'dating' and that and I went over his house

j- oh my god


j- what

m- he said it felt like it was my first time and that hurt my feelings

j- hes a dick

m- yeah and that was over text anyways I went to his house and as we were laying in bed he said I should break up with Luciano (lets give him the nickname of Luca rn) so I did and he responded with something like 'thanks for the amazing experience you gave me'

j- aww thats so cute

m- I KNOW but then I told him what he said and he said I cant wait for the amazing experience or something and me being salty I was like I already showed you my best experience but you didnt like it

j- wow

m- yeah so then he was like youre still mad at that and I was just like um yeah im mad about that and he was just being a dick about the whole situation and so this morning he woke me up and I was like im still mad and he said that it was a joke and I told him it hurt my feelings because it did

j- I mean yeah 

m- anyways he told me to grow up and I was like okay kid im done with you and I called him a dick and was about to leave and he just had to say I dont feel like having a child as a girlfriend and so I wanted the actual last word so I said and I dont feel like having an asshole as a boyfriend and left

j- wow I actually hate him this is why you should just stay away from those why dont we boys

m- im never going back to one ever again oh and Daniel and corbyn are dating

j- oh thats cute 

m- yeah well imma be single for a while now 

j- you should've kept Luca

m- ik he was so cute plus im literally moving to Italy in the summer so why did I do that

j- wait youre moving

m-  yeah :( 

j- aw ill miss you 

m- ill come back for like a week before school starts and hang out with you 

j-good and when youre in Italy try and date him again I mean distance clearly wont be a problem

m- true 

Im really excited about this move to Italy only 3 more months... once in Italy I will do online school and ill never have to go back to my old school... we still own our house in America because my parents figured that some weekends or weeks ill want to go and ill have somewhere to live

I text my cousin about how im definitely going to move to Italy because we had these conversations about it almost everyday

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