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"So when's the next tutoring thing" Daniel asks
"I don't know whenever you guys can I guess"
"We'll do it tonight" Jonah says
"Whatever just tell me where we're doing this"
"Come to our house" Jonah insists
"You guys have your own house" I ask
"Yeah I'll send the address" Daniel says
"Okay well bye" I say rolling my eyes walking away


*after school*

I go in my car and wait for Jess

She finally gets in the car and before I leave I ask Daniel for the address

He gives it to me and I drive to drop my friend off

"Why do you seem so tense" she asks
"I have to go to the boys house to tutor them and I'm really not in the mood"
"You should cancel"
"I would but the teacher really wants me to do this and I feel bad because they are really failing and I'm her last hope apparently"
"Well at least you're being nice"
"Yeah but im just helping them pass and then I'm never talking to them again"
"Good" she says as we get to her driveway
"Well goodluck I'll see you tomorrow" she says getting out of the car
"See you tomorrow" I smile and leave

I put the address in my phone and make my way to their house. I better not regret being a nice person

✅ Why Don't We High School ✅Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ