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"A bet what do you mean"

"Jack bet Corbyn that if me, Jonah, and Zach could get you to say yes to dating one of us than that one would get 100 dollars from both of them. so Jonah won and well he got 200 dollars"

"Wow I cant believe it I'm just a stupid bet" I say hanging up the phone starting to cry

I go back in the room and start to cry

'Nicole?' I hear Lorenzo say

I don't respond and continue to cry

'Nicole what's wrong' he says coming next to my bed

'you know the three boys I was talking to last night.'


'well apparently there was a bet that if one of them could date me their other friends Jack and Corbyn would each give them a hundred dollars and so since I said yes to Jonah he won'

'omg im so sorry that is awful'

'I know'

'well I have a way to make you feel better about all this boy stuff'


'well I can drive and I think I should take you to the best place in Italy to find the best boys.. and maybe you'll find a nice cute italian boyfriend'

'are you sure I mean even if I do meet one that doesnt mean ill be able to be with them'

'says who'

'says the fact ill be back in America in 2 weeks'

'we'll didn't you say youre only staying here for two weeks because of...'


'yeah I didn't want to say it but still if that was the only reason youre here maybe you could stay longer and stay until the rest of your family leaves'

'thats a good point'

'so what do you say why don't we go out today and find you a nice italian boy'


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