Chap64|I'm here for you, always

Start from the beginning

She glared at me before turning her back to me."I hate you Y/N."

I sat there for a second trying to be sure that she really said what I thought I heard."Camila." I sat there with my hands rested on the bed as I still sat on the floor.

she waved me off."Just get out." I frowned down at her trying to think of something else to say. But I'm so hurt right now I don't even know what to say.

"Mija don't say things that you don't mean." Sinuhe said stepping in.

"No! Mom, I do mean it. She's the reason my baby is gone! I want her out now!"

Sinuhe sighed as she looked up at me with a pleading look. I nodded slowly understanding.

I shook my head. "Camila I'm not leaving your side. So you can hate me all you want but I'm staying right here with you." I spoke softly to her as I grabbed her hand.

She looked at me and rolled her eyes before snatching her hand back from me. "Y/N I'm not joking. I want you out. Now."

I stared into her eyes not looking away until she broke contact.

"Fine." I said while slowly getting up from the floor. "I'll leave, but don't forget that I do love you Camila." I said softly. She looked away from me and I frowned as I started walking out to leave but I stopped when I heard someone calling me back.

"Mija, please don't let her scare you off you know she doesn't mean it. She's just hurt."

I shrugged. "I'm hurt too sinuhe and I'm trying to be here for her. But if she doesn't want me here right now I get it. So I'll leave and give her some space."

Honestly I didn't get it. I'm gonna try and get It though, but it hurt like hell for her to talk to me like that. I mean of course I get why she's hurting but what did I do to her. But I'm trying to remember what India said earlier and just give her space and time.

Sinuhe stood there giving me a worried look. I know Camila's hurt and she has every right to be, so I'll back away, for now.

"I'll take Ro with me, I know she doesn't need to be around all of this."

She nodded as I went back to grab her from Alejandro.

"Momma?" She said when I grabbed her up into my arms.

"Yes baby it's me." I said quietly as I rubbed her back.

"M-mommy ok?"

I smiled at her and nodded. "She will be baby girl."

"Her hurt?" She asked with her head turned to the side and I could tell she was just as worried about Camila as we all are.

"No baby. She's ok, mommy is ok." I said more to myself as I sniffed back my tears. She's going to be ok, she has to be. This pain that I'm feeling in my chest, I know that it's from the thought of Camila having to go through this without me being by her side.

I know I have to be strong for the both of us and that's what I plan on doing.

As I walked out to the car I held Royalty close to me. I didn't ever want to let her go.


Camila's POV.

I feel so numb

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I feel so numb. So miserable. So lost.

How could this happen to me? Why, what did I do to deserve this?

"Mija, I know you're hurting right now. But don't you think Y/N is too."

I shrugged. "I can't say I care right now mom."

"Well you should. That baby was just as much hers as it was yours. Don't be selfish Karla, that's not fair to her."

"Ok mom, but what about me, what about how much I am hurting, huh? Y/N hurt me bad and now I lost the baby. And what I'm supposed to just run into her arms because of it!"

She shook her head. "No Camila I'm not saying that. I understand that you are still hurt, but baby now is not the time for that. You two have way bigger problems and if anything you should be working on them. This should be bringing you guys closer, not pulling you apart."

I looked away from her wiping the fresh tears from my eyes. I know she's right, but at the same time it's hard to even process what just happened to me and having to deal with Y/N.

"Mami, y-you really don't understand." I said shaking my head hearing my voice crack with every word I spoke.

She sighed as she walked closer to me grabbing my hand. "Oh sweetheart I can't tell you that I understand how you're feeling with things right now. But I can say that I know it will get better. You are strong mija and you will get through this I can promise you that."

I brought my hand up cover for my mouth as I let the tears pour out of my eyes.

"Oh mija." She said said while pulling me into a hug. I snuggled into her more as she rocked me side to side. "It's going to be ok. It will."

I sniffed and tested my head on her. "I-I just don't know what I did to deserve this mami. My baby is gone."

She sighed but let me continue to talk.

"I mean is this some type of karma because of the things I've done in the past?" I get that I wasn't the perfect person and I left Y/N and Royalty. But I'm doing my best to make up for that now, and for this to happen I can only think that it's my fault.

"Now don't you dare say such a thing! You should know that everything happens for a reason mija, and you are a great mother to Royalty. No matter how things were before, you don't deserve to go through this, understand me?"

I sucked back my breath rubbing my head.

"My baby is gone and I feel like I lost a part of me. It's just not fair mami."

"Oh I know it mija, I know." She said while holding me. "It's all going to be ok."

Everything has to be ok..but as for Y/N and I, That's an entire different story. I'm not sure if we can ever fix things.


...... almost there guys🤧

I know things are sad..but THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL!! For those of you who keep asking me about it, I promise you I'm working on it😌

Let me know what you all think 💭😕

Thanks for reading/voting🙂also sorry for any mistakes⚡️

P.s. NEXT CHAPTER maybe the last chapter guys😖

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