Queen 53

551 26 6


Makemba was feeling ill, not due to the interrogation of the woman yet because of what the goddess told her needed to be done. She clenched her fist as her nails drew blood that was no longer silver, but now red. Her body collapsed under the hidden pain and stress,but it was necessary because she saw what happened if Xylina won. Makemba's love for humans, the Avengers who became her first family,for Wakanda her second home and family and for T'challa. If the baby inside of Zyri really was his,her baby would have a sibling only a few months apart.

The Goddess Bast,had no reason to lie to her, she could feel the new life inside of her that might not make it.


"So you're a... friend of Makemba?," Tony asked the girl who had three eyes. She nodded her head yes yet she seemed so impatient.

"I am Adianna we need to hurry my Queen is in danger," she told him again.

"She is in Wakanda,she is not in danger at all,"Tony said matter of factly. Kumiya sat in silence as Pepper looked at her she gasped.

"She's not in Wakanda anymore, is she?," she asked as Tony quickly got up to call the King of Wakanda.


"Hello?," a womans voice answered.

"I want to speak to Makemba," Tony stated,"immediately."

"I'm sorry but she's gone," the woman answered in a low voice.

"What do you mean gone?!," Tony bellowed.

"I'm Shuri Princess of Wakanda the King...my brother planned to execute her for attacking the people but it wasn't her;Makemba has escaped and I can send you her location," Shuri said in a hushed tone. Her brother had fell slickly trying to hunt down his former love. He was desperate to kill her yet she was buying time.

"Please do along with the incident," Tony told her as the call ended abruptly.

"Kumiya get to talking you snake," Pepper snapped,afraid her dear friend was now in grave danger.


T'challa searched for the traitors falling into Xylina's trap. If everyone assumed she did attack his people,her death would be worshipped. Of course she was special to the Avengers, yet she was not their mate. Also if it meant that Wakanda would declare war,they would have to comply since she was not innocent. Afterwards all mutants or enhanced would be band from Wakanda, if any were found on their land,they'll be killed.

They'll be so focused on getting revenge that they wouldn't even protect the Queen Ekonia and when it was too late, it would tear them apart from the inside out. Makemba was doomed to die,to be murdered by the same woman that killed her parents.


"So she's being hunted for her powers?," Tony asked as Adianna nodded her head yes.

"Get my mates in here and most definitely Ms. Stella," Tony told Pepper who nodded and went to do so.

Tony was close to Makemba and with everything that was going on,he didn't want to lose anyone else.

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Queen  (T'challa Udaku )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum