Queen 2

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Ekonia ran into her room gathering her things as her friend was now wake.

"My Queen, what's wrong?," she asked sleepily seeing the young girl gather her weapons.

"We're running out of time,"she snapped. Kumiya looked at her young Queen in shock. Screams were reaching her ears as she noticed the blood and smell of fire in the air, and surrounding Queen Ekonia.

"What has become of you?," Kumiya asked.

"I am abandoning the throne, now get up and get ready, I may have to kill again so cover your eyes, " Ekonia said still grabbing her items. Kumiya obeyed knowing she was serious.

"Also grab my Aloheâ," Ekonia said. Kumiya did so, grabbing the black stone that was shapped like a flame of frozen fire.

'Why is my Queen so scared?,' she thought watching her.


"We must have our home look presentable," T'challa's Umama repeated. As they walked she told them which colors to use, and which flowers were best and so on.

 T'challa received the file from a Ms.Stella weeks ago, he had studied it many times satisfied with the young man's accomplishments. When captured he wounded 200 armed men in 10 minutes, found on a ship on shore,a mutant who controlled black flames, was only 22. He was deemed to be very intelligent and was a scientist of sorts who lead a team in a creation of many new weapons and devices to help S.H.I.E.L.D either fight or make peace. His mother saw him as a man for Shuri to marry and he chuckled thinking of how quick she wanted grandkids. He would be happy to do so, but him and Nakia were again, broken up, for good it seemed. They agreed to be friends, realizing they were too different to work it out and too stubborn to keep trying.

"T'challa, why aren't you nervous, this is big for us and your people, " Ramonda spoke.

"Umama I am nervous, yet also I'm not worried. We are great people, we will prosper greatly, yet not all of the people wish to connect with the outside world, " he explained. They were assigned to meet then leave for the mission in a few week's time. " I question, if I'm truly ready, " he added.

"Hopefully this Makemba is a good enough man as they say, " she stated. They both turned hearing a noise. It was Shuri being checked on concerning her clothes. She wore our traditional clothes yet her hair was did and so was her make up.

"Ndiyeke !," she snapped. "Umama tell them please I am fine!," Shuri was upset. She was a beautiful princess but makeup, dresses and such was not her style.

"You will be fine, soon you'll be married you're 20,you're ready for love, I'm ready for grandkids," she told Shuri who rolled her eyes. It's been 3 years since T'challa broke up and since mother couldn't convince him Shuri was next.

"Ubhuti,help out here, " she whined as T'challa walked away shaking his head.

"No, then it will be me, you'll do fine, " he teased.

"King T'challa, he is here, " a female servant stated.

"Thank you, we're on our way, "he replied as they headed towards the entrance to greet him.

" Ndiyaxolisa kakhulu," they heard a woman say repeatedly. "I'm so sorry, I really am. "

They stepped out to see 12 servants helping someone gather clothes and papers that was thrown about. The figure they were helping was bent over, their full figure butt was plump, their thighs also, even though she jiggled as she rushed to help gather the items, muscle flexed under her black fitness leggings also.

"Hi I'm sorry, I'm clumsy, "she turned arms full of papers. Her hair was to her waist, onyx curls with patches of a dark gray hid her face. Her arm swooped under her hair exposing her deep coffee skin, a small smile, and she stumbled towards them. Makemba could feel the vomit coming up,she was nervous, or maybe it was the after affects of the horrible plane ride, her large eyes flashed black then turned brown as she calmed she looked to see the three royal family members staring at her,as was a few servents.

'Shit I must've froze, ' she thought reaching  out her hand to shake but no one moved, only stood with their hands behind their back.

"Who are you?," T'challa's mother asked. The girl was not who they expected, she was short and looked over dressed for the hot weather of Wakanda. Makemba adjusted her turtle neck sweater as they stared at her,she cleared her throat as she adjusted her large round frame glasses and turned again to help gather the items.

"I am from S. H. I. E. L. D,"she replied. Once the belongings were back in the bags and the servants held them as if ready to throw them back down. T'challa noticed she was was 5'4, very curvaceous, despite the high collar sweater; he saw symbols that was small yet noticeable peaking out. They were black and he momentarily wondered how far they went. Her hair fell into her face again and she moved it again.

"You must be confused Miss?," T'challa asked.

"Makemba Obsi, "she replied,she did not hold out her hand and this time she placed them behind her back.

"Nice to meet you all,"she said her voice more stern than before.

"You're not a man?," Shuri asked.

"No Princess Shuri, I am female I was sent by Tony...my file must say male?," she asked they didn't answer.

"You must have assumed male because of the mission and from the progress my file reads, "she said chuckling dryly. Makemba was no stranger to these things. They assumed that success meant male, Ms. Stella and Wanda taught her all about  the women in the  army, the Dora Milaje,and wondered why they reacted different when it is common in their custom. 

"I will call Mr. Stark and notify him of your arrival, " he stated, as they all headed inside the palace, rudely dismissing her.


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Xhosa is the language used in Wakanda, it is an actual African language is South Africa also.

Google Translation(s)



Ndiyeke-leave me alone

Ndiyaxolisa kakhulu-I'm so sorry

Thank you for reading, next chapter will be longer and explain Kumiya's involvement with S. H. I. E. L. D. Also it will invite in our news of our enemy.

Queen  (T'challa Udaku )Where stories live. Discover now