Queen 6

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Beauty has so many forms, and I think the most beautiful thing is confidence and loving yourself.



" What did he say?," T'challa's mother asked.

"He told me if I don't trust her,   to test her, "he explained. They usually weren't like this, but since the death of his father, and his people choosing sides, he wanted to be safe. Not just to persevere his thrown, yet also to protect his people. T'challa wanted someone on this mission who was capable of completing it, and from the looks of it, she was too clumsy and clueless.

"I think you should test her, not just to see if she is good, yet to work better as a team, " Okoye stated. With her history as a fighter an as a general, working together was best. You could discover strengths, weaknesses and help defend each other better. T'challa paused and thought about it realizing that certain someone was not present.

"Where is she?," T'challa asked aloud.

"She was behind us....I think, "Shuri responded not so sure. In their hurry to see if someone was joking with them, they left her outside. T'challa thinking of his kingdom and integrity completely ignored her.

"Have the servants look for her, if she can not be found, call Nakia. She is in   town and could find  l her more easily," T'challa ordered. He shook his head at how he simply lost an entire woman, in only 30 minutes.


Nakia was enjoying her conversation with the odd girl Makemba. She was telling Nakia of her first date, her date was drunk and as not to get pulled over or worse, she drove. Yet she crashed because she didn't know what the R was for. She backed up into someones front porch.

"Are you serious, can you drive now?," Nakia asked in between breaths

"I can only drive people u buhlanya," Makemba replied, "but actual driving, no not at all, "which was true she could always press the right buttons on people to make them upset. The sound of a phone ringing had Nakia stand, asking to be dismissed for a moment to answer her phone.

"Master, I think you should head to the Kingdom, " Ekonia spoke from the touch screen watch upon her wrist.

"Ekonia set up a retrace of my steps, " Makemba ordered.

"Yes Master, " Ekonia replied as her watch vibrated. Someone must've tried to enter her room, since her device flashed pink notifying they tried, yet did not enter.

"Master steps retraced in setting your route, " Ekonia told her showing a small 3D map. Makemba stood as Nakia came back to the table.

"I'm sorry but I must go, yet it was nice meeting you Nakia, "Makemba was writing her number down to give to her new associate,when she felt a change in the atmosphere.

" You can't go, I would appreciate it if you would come with me," Nakia told her in a serious tone.

"Oh alright, " Makemba stated as she followed Nakia in a completely different direction than what Ekonia sent to her.

"Where are we going?," Makemba asked Nakia. It was only 5 minutes and her associate was now quiet and cold. Makemba turned around in the crowd and went the other direction.

"Warning, there is an attack from behind," Ekonia warned as Makemba blocked the blow from Nakia with her flames. Nakia pressed against her flamed barrier that was separating them, with two circular blades. They began to turn yellow, then orange from the heat, Makemba shoved her away before she burned her now opponent, and the crowd that formed around them.

"Your are coming with me, " Nakia snapped circling Makemba.

"Ekonia transfer," Makemba stated turning to run. Her eyes turned onyx as she read Nakia's body sending it to Ekonia. "Find a open area, "she stated, getting far enough as to not endanger the innocent people. She lept up into the branches of a tree as Nakia sped by. Makemba e felt the needles of the watch dig into the surface of her skin as Ekonia was reading what she saw.

"Nakia speed is 2,energy projection 1,strength is 5, hand to hand combat is expected, " Ekonia read off to her master.

"Stop hiding, "Nakia yelled from below, jumping to Makemba location. To maim her, she placed her foot out, Nakia landed on it with her full weight, yelping in shock. Grabbing the branches Makemba swung down, flipping in mid air, she landed on all fours before taking off towards the palace.

'First were ok now she's attacking me, ' Makemba thought, 'Who called her?, 'she thought wondering was an enemy agency after her.

Feeling a sharp cut through the air she flipped up, seeing Nakia behind her she growled under her breath.

"Attack from behind, " Ekonia told her.

"Oh it is, I didn't notice, "Makemba snapped. Nakia slid under her catching her blade, which from the looks of it was still hot.

"I'm not up to fighting, I just ate, "Makemba whined standing before Nakia slouched over. She noticed Nakia was in a strong stance, but her ankle was hurt.


"You said to bring her in right?, " Nakia asked using her Kimoyo beads to communicate with Okoye.

"Yes, why are you running?, " Okoye stated noticing her ally was out of breath.

"Well you're prisoner is running, " Nakia yelled.

"Prisoner?," she heard Shuri ask, "she is our guest here, " she explained. As Nakia stopped running for a while.

"T'challa said to bring her in for a mission, "Nakia told them confused.

"She is an agent for their misson she isn't your mission," Okoye said. "We are on our way, don't fight her stupid,." Okoye then disconnected the kimoyo beads. Nakia saw her and threw her blade, hoping the dull end she held would stop her, yet she dodged it by flipping backwards over her head.


Makemba drew her flames out like a whip as it lashed out towards Nakia who dodged, yet landed on her injured ankle and hissed from the pain.

"This was a miscommunication," she told me still in a defensive stance.

"We talk, have tea, and I get attacked because I wouldn't follow you, I don't think an attack on me is a miscommunication," Makemba snapped, her eyes turning onyx as she lashed out with her whip again, cutting against her arms, burning her and drawing blood.

Makemba charged at her as she tried to block her attacks. Nakia crossed her arms in front, pushing against the extreme cold, that then felt hot, off-the-wall black flames. Makemba side stepped her as she kicked Nakia's legs from under her, she landed on her back, and kicked Makemba in the face. Nakia flipped backwards, aiming for Makemba's hand, to stop the fire whip. It felt cold as ice yet it instantly charred her, which as she noticed,it wasn't like every fire. Silently she hoped that Shuri could fix her injuries.Nakia threw her blade as Makemba swept her whip upright to grab her, yet a clawed hand caught the disk and her whip wrapped around a spear.

"What are you doing?,"T'challa asked them angrily. His mask still on his face as he eyed them both.

" You said, 'to bring her in for a mission,' you didn't clarify to help with your mission," Nakia snapped as Makemba's eyes went from onyx to her normal brown.

"I'm so sorry, are you ok?," Makemba asked as her flames disappeared. Realizing what Nakia said was true, she felt bad. Okoye stared as she dropped her staff which was now half way gone. Her hands felt cold for a moment the they felt like they were on fire. Okoye patted her hands against her legs, until the sensation went away. Makemba walked past her trying to help Nakia, only for T'challa to stop her.

"You have done enough, " he told her grabbing Nakia to help her back to the palace. She held her head down not wanting to see the eyes of the scared villagers, and not to feel the shame, she only followed.


Google Translation(s)

u buhlanya-you are mad/crazy

Queen  (T'challa Udaku )Where stories live. Discover now