Queen 45

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"Just stay still, " Steve strained as Makemba fought him and Erik. They were trying to put the watch on her so she could regain her memories, but so far she wasn't letting them. T'challa had duties to perform, Ramonda did too, Shuri was creating something,Ayo was with Shuri, and Okoye was watching Zyri.

Everyone was too busy to help, except Wanda and Natasha who were playing with Makemba's tarot cards.

"A little help," Steve strained.

"Not at the moment Captin' we are playing, " Wanda told him as Natasha laughed. They enjoyed watching the two men struggle, even though they could help, the preferred playing with the tarot cards more than actually working.

"Ouch!," Steve said as she kicked him the knee he collapsed.

"Skipped leg day?," Erik teased as she gave him a right hook he let go of her grabbing his jaw.

"Not so funny now is it?," Steve asked as Makemba crouched at the head of the bed ready to pounce.

"Why are you guys terrorizing my mate?," T'challa asked carrying some macadamia nut cookies and milk. Makemba looked his way as her eyes softened at him as he smiled.

"Honey, " she rasped out at him.

"Baby, why are you hurting your friends?," he asked giving her the milk and cookies she settled down. T'challa reached out to Erik who passed him the watch,as T'challa put it on her gently.

"Connected to host," Ekonia said as the needles of the watch dug into Makemba's arm. She flinched slightly yet not much as her nerves wrapped around the neddle points of the watch. It searched out and connected to her nerves and sent the memories to her brain through the central nervous system. T'challa held her hand as she convulsed she shook from the onslaught of informative memories. Then her body froze and laid flat onto the bed as she started to breath shallow breathes.

"T'challa,"she called out low as he smoothed her hair back.

"I'm right here, I'm so sorry, " he told her.

"So you cheated and got her pregnant?," she asked as T'challa looked at her confused.

"I didn't do it, I swear, " he told her.

"Bitch you get up and pick that shit out first?," Erik asked. "Can't say sorry, I almost killed y'all, the food was good, nothing else. At least say 'Hi Erik'," he rambled.

"Hi Erik, " she said to him still looking at T'challa.

"Hey Makemba," Erik said.

"Can you call Shuri and Okoye, call everyone please, " T'challa asked Wanda.

"I'm on it, " Wanda told him as she went to get the others.

"But ya' ass couldn't help us," Erik said as she ignored him, "With yo' lemon head ass," he added as Steve covered his mouth to stop his laugh.


''I'm fine, I would like to know if my mate has another woman though, " Makemba repeated as the doctor checked her vitals and body.

"It is not like that baby, " T'challa repeated as Shuri stood by with everyone, including the results which she held.

"Can everyone leave us for a moment?," Makemba asked as they left T'challa looked concerned. Makemba disliked them being alone because she feared them being too intimate, and she said he still made her nervous after all this time. Grabbing his hand, she pulled him up next to her and straddled him. She wanted to learn more about him and to be close to him. Of course she dated before, been cheated, it hurt. Yet a bubbling fear of loving him was growing inside her chest and she wanted it gone. She did not want to love him, she did not want him to love her,she wanted both.

Queen  (T'challa Udaku )Where stories live. Discover now