Queen 28

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T'challa sat in silence as they ate dinner, he was very upset with what transpired earlier concerning Erik. Clearing his throat his mother, sister, Okoye and W'kabi looked at him. Yet Makemba continued to eat her food, he could sense her dread of having this conversation.

"What is it son?," Ramonda asked in confusion, the dinner had slight tension to it and she did not know why.

"Dora's, can you please leave, as well as the others, we appreciate your service, " T'challa said as the others left the room in a hurry he looked at Shuri.

"We used Makemba's blood and cells to bring back Ayo, " Okoye said to Ramonda.

"How?," the Queen asked.

"Makemba can heal herself of all injuries, I had froze them until I could find a way to give life. They weren't fully dead, just almost so I put them in a coma of sorts, their brain activity was quite active. Yet with her blood, it heald all injuries, and repaired the brain, " Shuri babbled as she felt T'challa staring at her.

"It did not just being back Ayo, " T'challa told her, "It brought back Erik also. " Ramonda gasped in shock that this all had occurred as Makemba stayed quiet T'challa decided to pick her out.

"Makemba almost got hurt today, he fought her, " T'challa said as Makemba continued to eat."Didn't he?," T'challa asked upset at her for endangering herself.

"I handled it, I knew it would happen so I was armed, " she replied.

"You knew he'd attack?," Ramonda asked loudly.

"He died in combat, and with how his attitude is, it was expected. I locked the door as to not have T'challa come in and kill the poor man, " Makemba said as T'challa felt his anger rise.

"Poor man? He nearly destroyed Wakanda, and the Heart Shapped Herb, thank Bast we are blessed to have it grow again, he was going to send out our weapons and cause a World War Three!," T'challa yelled.

"I'm sure she didn't mean it that way T'challa, " W'kabi said as Makemba looked at him he noticed  the glint in her eyes, he knew she did on fact mean it that way.

"You're sorry for him?," Okoye asked hurt by this information.

"No I understand him though," Makemba said ribbing the back of her neck.

"How do you understand a monster?," Ramonda asked still feeling a soft spot from the take over that occurred.

"He isn't a monster!," Makemba yelled, as she tried not to make eye contact with their pain filled eyes. "I'm sorry but hurt and pain shapes people differently, it makes them resilient or it makes them afraid, he was afraid. You're alone no mom, no dad, and abandoned by your people because they would rather ignore your pain to keep their self safe," Makemba snapped. "He could've been beat, sold into sex trafficking or slavery, made to starve and suffer yet whatever happened it shapped him to lash out with his fear and hurt, and personally I blame Wakanda, " she finished.

"Why are we to blame for his ways?," W'kabi asked angrily, "We did nothing to him!," he yelled.

"For, " Makemba replied at their confusion she explained, "You did nothing for him, yet if he was accepted into his land, maybe he wouldn't be so...damaged, " she said as Shuri nodded her head in agreement.

"She is right, " Shuri said as she got angery expressions she held Makemba's hand under the table.

"Also we have yet to tell our Elders, " Okoye added.

"They do not know of this?," Ramonda asked as Shuri shook her head no.

"They wouldn't have accepted it, maybe of we can have Makemba help to change Erik-," Shuri began only for T'challa to cut her off with his eyes.

"Makemba you can be hurt trying to change and defend this man, " T'challa told her.

"We can reprogram him, and Makemba isn't biased she would be of very much help, "Shuri said hopefully.

"I'm best fit for it, I'll be safe, " she said trying to reassure him.

"You almost got hurt, what if he doesn't change or hurt you?," he asked.

"Honey I'll be fine do not worry, " she told him.

"You are not doing it, " he commanded as she looked at him.

"Yes I am," she retorted.

"No, you are mine to protect, I refuse for you to put yourself in harms way, "he said drinking from his wine glass.

"I will be ok I handled it today La, "she pouted, she understood he was worried but no-one was hurt.

"No, I will not loose you and if he hurts you again, I'll kill him, "he said, he had just openly staked claim on Makemba, he refused to let someone as reckless as Erik hurt her.

"That's not fair, I know you want me safe but I..I...please I can fix him, "she stuttered out.

"I said no, as King T'challa Udaku, obey until I see fit," he said in a dominant tone. The others looked at him surprised that he spoke that way to her, and he even used his status as leverage. They understood he wanted to protect her, but she was best for it,also if she was hurt, unlike others she'd heal. It was up to T'challa though if their time to bring him back would be wasted or not. Makemba stood and grabbed the entire Turtle cheesecake and a fork.

"Where are you going?,"T'challa asked her, as his heavy Wakanda accent filled them room she turned to him.

"Wam kumkani," she said to him, "I'm going to my room, am I free to do so?," she asked in a mild sarcastic tone.

"Makemba that's not-," he said standing only for her to leave the dinner room.

"You both need help, your stubborn she's petty, " Shuri whined as she grabbed a fork.

"Where are you going?," Ramonda asked.

"The cheesecake, " Shuri said leaving.

"Well good morning and stay safe my love, " Makemba said to Natasha and Wanda as they hung up. The information being found on her was still open yet on hold. The team did not find any threats connected to her, yet of the was anything there's be notified.

"She is doing good, " Wanda said to Natasha who knew what she meant.

"She likes him, " Natasha said laughing, " I really wanna see this play out." Though her and Makemba were close she tried to hide the obvious, hopefully T'challa treated her friend right or there'd be hell.


Google Translation(s)

Wam kumkani-My King

Just a filler chapter more smut will come.

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