Queen 44

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15 years ago

"No please, your not an abomination, please!," the man begged. Throwing her fan it sliced him in half. He looked down as blood sputtered out of his mouth. His top half fell back convulsing as his bottom fell the opposite way. Kumiya looked on in shock and horror at the young Queen's actions. True he did disrespect her and even spit on her, but she's never seen Ekonia so upset, and so eerily calm.

"Heart or liver, " Ekonia asked as she picked through his organs.

"Heart, " Adianna replied.

"Liver, " Mykiona told her as Makemba threw one to each one they ate it. As Makemba gathered up it kidney and began to eat as well.

"About two-thousand more warriors are on their way, " Adianna said as she licked her fingers of blood. Her boomerang spun above them with the power of her third eye. Kumiya watched as they ate the mans organs, other villagers were crying over dead family members, or cowering in fear. Ekonia asked them buffering to release the slaves, gave them nine mouths, yet the only brought in more. So she came to semd them a personal message,and they were coming to respond.

"Ugh, my dreads,Ekonia can you retwist them?," Mykiona asked pulling pieces of skin from her hair.

"Queen, what are you doing?," Kumiya asked grabbing at the girls bloodied white gown.

"I'll handle that later," Ekonia told her younger sister, openly ignoring Kumiya. "Adi, " Ekonia said, "How many people can you control?," she asked.

"About...three," Adianna said confused.

"That's pathetic, " Mykiona laughed as Adianna stuck her tongue out.

"Ew I tasted that," Adianna whined as she spit out the stale blood.

"Have you gone insane?," Kumiya asked in fear, as they still blantly ignored her. She sat on the ground, bloodied and covered in dirt. Ekonia told her not to come, and now she knew why, it was for her own mental protection.

"Mykiona shut up,at least she can
do it, " Ekonia told her meddling sister. "Do it, have them begin to kill their own men, I'll take it from there, " Ekonia commanded as Adianna brought her bommerang down, she got on it as it flew towards the oncoming army.

"I think you should rest, " Mykiona told her sister,watching her flick blood off of the golden nails.

"I'm fine my love, " Ekonia cooed smiling at her sister who rolled her eyes. It had been two weeks, and Ekonia had not rested at all. It was noticeable, Ekonia's flame was turning dark instead of the vibrant violet and blue.

Mykiona didn't argue, Ekonia was like a calm storm, so much anger and rage, but never raised her voice. She saw her sister cry once, after she won the battle and killed her opponent. Their father beat her for seven hours straight, and after that, Ekonia never cried again. And since then she never pushed her sister, since she couldn't tell when she was bothering her. Even though they were siblings, in their culture, Mykiona should be dead,especially since she was so sick as a kid, she was no use to Ekonia. Siblings of royalty kill their younger siblings, nieces,nephews,the whole family. Yet Ekonia had not and it frightened her, she felt as if she was waiting for her sister to kill her. As she looked at Kumiya, she wondered if she wad awaiting for Ekonia to kill her also. Hearing a clanging sound, she saw her sisters large fan in front of her. Looking she saw the battle was upon them, and she zoned out. Ekonia was fighting using her flame, as the fan began to encase her.

"Ekonia!," Mykiona yelled stepping away from the fan.

"You seemed aloof, I got it, " Ekonia told her as Mykiona began to attack, she threw the fan at her sister who caught it on the sharp end. Grey and blue blood spilled from Ekonia's hand.

Queen  (T'challa Udaku )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin