Queen 23

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It had been almost a week since he spoke or seen Makemba. As he left the Royal meeting, discussing the new facilities for outsiders, he went to meet t his mother. Though he desired to go to Shuri's lab, hoping Makemba was there, so he could properly apologize;he needed to speak to Ramonda first.

"King T'challa, " Zyri said bowing before him as he fought the urge to roll his eyes at her sudden appearance. She had been following him more since the argument he had with Makemba. T'challa knew she was beautiful, he would even befriend her, if not for her obvious crush. If he didn't have feelings for Makemba, even before he read the files, he would date her. Yet things were different now, and only Ramonda, who knew of the information, would understand.

"Hello Zyri, " he replied bowing to her also, as she beamed at him.

"So how is your day?," she asked him walking with him.

"It is ok, quite busy, " he told her kindly.

"Well I was wondering if you had any time to-," she began but stopped as she saw the girl she hated turn the corner. She wore her hair on a messy bun atop her head, a panda onsie and her glasses. A book was in her hands, she was too focused to notice the two,but T'challa was not.

"Baby, " he said stepping in her path, only for her to side step him casually. Zyri fumed at his flirtation with the girl.

"Baby?," she asked crossing her arms as T'challa looked her up and down, hearing her tone.

"That is what I call her, " he replied as he saw Makemba walk away, he then continued his stroll to Ramonda. Most likely she was in the garden,and Zyri followed despite his plea not to.


"You are posted to guard the east, why are you on the west?," the Dora Milaje asked Zyri. They were guarding the garden his mother was in.

"Um.. I was just talking to-," Zyri stuttered only for the Dora to raise her hand in a way of silence.

"I will handle you later, go to your post, " she commanded as T'challa entered the garden. He did not want to lead her on, so he mentioned many times for her to leave, yet she disobeyed. Eventually it would have to be handled but he had more important matters to discuss.

"Umama, " T'challa said, watching her sip tea and eat small lemon squares. He sat at the white chair across from her as they basked in the warm sun.

"You have questions, " she stated more than asked.

"Yes, why did you not tell me sooner?," he asked.

"I did not originally remember who she was, until I spoke to her and saw her fight. Your father has met with the Avengers many times before, and she perked his interest. He saw it as a sign, " his mother explained to him.

"Why doesn't she remember?," he asked.

"Probably with time, she forgot, she only met your father a few times, you though, she never met until she came here, " Ramonda sighed, "I knew not of the desire for marriage to her, though since I read of the Heart Shapped Herb, I did assume, she was your mate. "

"So why not tell me, before I agreed to be a friend, " he said, "now she'll believe I planned all of this. "

"No she will not, friends become more with many people, " she reassured." I know you already have feelings for her, maybe Bast, and God are trying to tell you to do it, " she encouraged. It had been months now and Makemba had practically moved in. Considering she was only needed if there was great importance she had no need to go back to America. T'challa did like the girl, you could tell she made him feel confident, comfortable, happy and so much more. T'challa just feared the same occurances would happen to them as did he and Nakia. They had different ideas, and wants, and Nakia fell out of love with T'challa. With being Queen, married, not being a Spy and more;it was not her, they were better as friends, their emotions went no further. T'challa needed confirmation that it wouldn't be another heart break. 

"Mother, I pray I can fix what harm I did do her body and her trust, " T'challa said drinking the tea Ramonda poured for him.

Due to the being friends he was concerned, and upset, yet knowing there was a chance she was his mate, and who his dad wished he courted. T'challa felt as if there was more damage done, not as friends but the chance of the being more. No woman wants a man who hurts them physically, or emotionally. If he overreacted so much to her making her own decision,she possibly already tossed their friendship and anything more away. 


Makemba flexed her arm ,releasing more blood into Ayo and Erik. They were still inside the ice chambers, Shuri attached her tube to them. In which silver blood flowed to them, similar to how she fed them.

"Well only one my dose and it'll be    done, " Shuri told her as she moved the needle and tube, giving Makemba a Power Puff Girls band aid, her favorite one.

"A'right , " Makemba said as she stood,she was heading back to her room. Yet Shuri stepped her way, despite Makemba's obvious rush.

"Makemba have you talked to him?," Shuri asked Makemba. As Makemba thought about it, she had not seen T'challa at all. She was too busy reading and giving blood to speak to him. Makemba never noticed him in the hallway, so in her eyes, she wasn't lying. Shaking her head in response Shuri sighed loudly.

"You need to talk, " Shuri told her.

"I went to his room a few times but a Dora Milaje said he did not wish to be bothered," Makemba told Shuri.

"Was she bald,fair skinned,green eyes?," Nakia asked them. Makemba nodded her head yes as Nakia sighed dramaticly. "She lied to you, " Nakia told her.

"Her name is Zyri, the Dora's have been complaining about her, not being at her post, or how she has purposely turned away people, women, saying that T'challa wanted to not be bothered, " Shuri told them as she waved over Mani,the bot that Makemba gave her.

"Mani project Zyri, " Shuri ordered as Mani did so, it showed a camera picking up footage of Zyri leaving her east post to follow T'challa. It showed they chatted before T'challa walked in  Makemba's path only for her to walk around him.

"I thought you didn't speak or see
T'challa," Nakia said.

"I was reading Harry Potter,I didn't    notice, " Makemba said surprised she did not notice him.

"Twilight is better, " Shuri said as Makemba's jaw dropped.

"You monster, " Nakia said to Shuri.

"Harry Potter has more life than that dull series, I saw the ending coming, " Makemba argued as Nakia high fived her in agreement.

"Whatever, the point is someone else is moving in on-," Shuri held her side which Nakia pinched discreetly. Makemba did not know T'challa felt for her, and until he made a move, they agreed not to interfere. Though she was close physically, to all of them, emotionally, in some areas she was completely aloof.

"She is trying to break up your friend ship, why not befriend her, let her know there are no hard feelings," Nakia told her instead. Maybe if she friended the girl, she wouldn't try to compete with her for T'challa. Yet they didn't understand that she didn't just want T'challa or to be Queen, she wanted to use their power to make the world bow before her Queen, T'challa was only part of it.


Just a filler, soon we will discover why Zyri is the way she is, and also what Makemba can not remember. Picture is of Zyri.

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