Queen 22

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As Ramonda led T'challa through their home, he felt sick for how he treated Makemba. His mother said she had answers to his feelings for her, and why he lashed out, and he hoped it would be solved and what he did would be fixed quickly. As they can to a narrow corridor, he noticed that it was his father's study, which no one,except Ramonda,has entered since his father's death.

As she unlocked the door, the scent of his father's cologne filled his nostrils. Everything was exactly the same, the books upon his desk, his jacket that was in one of his seats, all of it. Ramonda turbed on the lights and walked over to his father's book case. As she mumbled the alphabet out she stopped at the letter H file, a letter M file and the letter V file.

His mother walked over to the table next him, as she sat, so did he, as he was curious to what they held. As his mother opened them. The V was for vibranium, the H for the Heart-Shaped Herb, and the M was none other than Makemba. The picture was black and white, and she looked 16 years old or so,her hair was short and her henna was there, but not as much as there was now.

"Mother what is this?," he asked confused.

"Well this is information that you're father had, even on Makemba, though I did not realize it was her,   until later, " his mother told him.

"So what is all of this?," he asked as she patted his shoulder.

"Read it my son, " she told him as age left the room for him to learn it on his own.

"Vibranium," he read aloud as he began his studies. It was the most indestructible metal on earth, could be easily turned into weaponary, machinery or other forms of technology,for transportation, medical advancements, or science.

"I already know this, " he told himself as he read the documented information from the former scientist, Dr. Manuel Alo T'challa was quite surprised from the information.

The poultice stimulated and accentuated the human being's kinaesthetic sense. The kinaesthetic sense is the subliminal perception that allows human beings to close their eyes, yet know where the different parts of their bodies are. If you didn't have this sense, you couldn't pick your nose or wash your hair if your eyes weren't open. The poultice, plus the stimuli of rigorous theological and physical training, heightened your kinaesthetic sense. It heightens the proprioceptive system processes the orientation sense to the brain and perceptions in your body. That is how you sense where a tree limb or a building edge is, know exactly where it is and never have a moment's doubt that your fingers will close about it. The sacred anointment poultice has a second effect on your muscles and ligaments, specifically on the joints where bones connect and swivel, mesh and respond. There are receptors in these joints called the Pacinian corpuscles that carry the signal to the brain to fulfil proper movement. Somehow the poultice is absorbed into those receptors and makes them especially sensitive. "This is what enables you to twist and dodge with unparalleled grace." It gives you the attributes of the Black Panther itself, to sense emotions, hence lies or truths, weather, and also it has the ability to give you a mate. Any one of nobel blood should be married before coupling, due to the Heart Shapped Herb, finds you a mate. Though you can choose whom ever you please, it draws you to a certain person. The emotions, or acts towards them may seem random due to your more primal side will acknowledge them before you do. The longing or feeling complete is due to your primal side noticing this as the person you are most...compatible with.

From recent studies, Kings and Queens have been married, or courted before yet were more compatible with there second choice. Though others settled with a mate of their own choosing, they usually were not as happy, due to arguments, infidelity or death of the chosen mate. Due to the chemicals in the Heart Shapped Herb, it could lead to death, hence the death of the first wife of T'chaka Udaku.

As T'challa read it his heart stopped, he never knew his mother. Considering she had died during child birth, yet in a way, because of the Heart Shapped Herb being in his fathers DNA, he body could not contain it's strength. Yet Ramonda was alive after having Shuri, and Jakara,which meant, Ramonda was his father's mate, choose by Bast. Not his mother, wondering what Makemba had to do with all of this he read her file next.

Power-Mutant Alpha A

Entry 1-Tony Stark
Date-October 7

Makemba Obsi was only 12 when we found her, took down my men in two minutes, all to protect Kumiya. A human who was on board the ship, she is talented in combat, but Makemba is the real mystery here. The technology they were found with was also found in France, Africa,U.K and Canada, the language she speaks at the moment is French mostly. Which leads us to believe that she is not the only one out there with these abilities, yet the only one we've found. There is a chance they tried to communicate with us and taught us the French language, even were involved with the Revolutionary War, hence why some of their tech was found in France,and the U.K. Yet we have yet to understand why Africa,and Canada.

Dr. Mandel

Name-Makemba Obsi
Species-Unknown(Possibly Alien)
Abilities-Intelligence, chemist, scientist, combat
Power-Mutant Alpha A
Date-January 23 2010

Makemba has grown well since she was first found, though I have exposed her to the Heart Shapped Herb and Vibranium, it has not caused a negative effect to her at all. There is a chance it is from wherever she is, or she is of nobel blood, and therefore is not harmed by it. Markings have appeared on her body as she's aged, it seems to be henna.

T'challa saw up close pictures of her body, there was less henna in the photos. Seeing another one he examined it also,there was a purple and blue picture that was outlined by stars. It resembled a woman who was naked, a navy blue and violet background with small star shapes outlined to show what appeared to be a woman laying upon a black panthers back, her eyes were closed yet a devil's tail wrapped around her waist, her starry locks fell to her waist hiding her unclothed body just barely.

Makemba has small recollection to this picture which was found with her, according to what her henna hides, she is the chosen one. This information has been withheld from Miss Obsi, as not to hinder her progress. There is a chance she is to be a mate to an heir, yet T'chaka has yet to do so, will be done in T'challa's 28th year of age. He will be arranged to her, only if primal side shows actions towards her.

T'challa was 30 now, which means Makemba was 16 or 17 at the time. At the time of his father's death he was 28.

"I was to marry Makemba, " he thought aloud.

This also had been withheld from Makemba due to she may run away if someone or something may separate her from Kumiya. More information will be gathered concerning her as she progresses.

There was more to read, but he was too surprised by what he read to focus on the rest. Makemba was an alien, also his mate, and possibly the reason Wakanda existed at all.


Original Information-Marvel Universe Data Base

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