Queen 48

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Erik was waiting for Nakia's signal,as was the rest of them. They had taken an entire month to train untilit was right, as Shuri bought them time by pushing back Makemba's day to be judged. In which T'challa seemed so eager to be done with. Erik, Queen Ramonda, Nakia and others spoke to him, even before all this, to trust and love Makemba. Yet he was closed off and distant with her no longer did they talk, nor did he give her a glance, and they did nothing  together since she was now,nonexistent to him.

Even now she was only a shell of her former self,and Erik was upset, which fuled him to help her, he saw it hurt Makemba, if she was as emotionally strongh as his mate, she could've hid it. Yet Makemba expressed herself openly, she did not try to hide it, ever. Makemba was his friend and his sister, she didn't give up on him, she gave him a chance and he wasn't going to forget her.

Nakia was currently following Erik's train of thought, Makemba loved her ex, better that she did and she was glad someone else could be better for him. Makemba did not kill her on their first encounter, and she showed Nakia that fierce and grace can go hand and hand. She stood up against the entire council, T'challa,and whatever and whoever spoke against her morals,beliefs and so on. Makemba was  resilient,and she was fierce and T'challa had sex with her, and soon his thoughts towards her changed, as if she was this horrid beast. Shuri was going to stay behind and face the consequences for them all, which wouldn't be  serve, just an angry T'challa. W'kabi was going to let the shield down a to let them through, so he'd stay behind too as Okoye, Ayo, Erik and Makemba got out. Yet first, Erik needed to get her into the Heart shapped herb's room,and get her out without anyone else being notified,at least until they got to the ship.

Nakia waited patiently for the council to enter the room, Ramonda also, would attend as a witness to Makemba's treason. As they entered she bowed, yet as she saw Zyri she stepped in her way. Noticing the girl looked more plump due to her pregnancy.

"Zyri, T'challa wishes to see you in his quarters, " she lied as the girls eyes lit up she walked away from the Royal Meeting. Nakia  reached into her pocket once they entered an empty hall she uncorked the vile Shuri gave her.

"Why does he?-," Zyri turned to ask as the purple fumes reached her nose she inhaled accidently, noticing what she did, Zyri stepped back quickly covering her face.

"You bitch!," she yelled as she ran to Nakia to attack she stumbled as the floor wobbled.

"You're right, but your worse, " Nakia said as Zyri heard her voice drop deeper than it actually was.

"You gave me something, your trying to kill T'challa's baby, " she said trying to grab Nakia, who didn't have to move much to evade her grasp. As Zyri's legs collapsed under her Nakia caught her. Reaching into her back pocket she flipped open a flat rectangular shaped metal. It opened up to float in mid air as Nakia put Zyri on it. Shuri made it to transfer patients, Nakia couldn't throw Zyri over her shoulder, it would look suspicious and since Zyri was pregnant, they'd assume she was coming to the medical room, rather than being kidnapped.

"Hakuna Matata," Nakia said into her mic.

" 'Bout damn time, go to her room, get whatever looks suspicious, and check her too, " Erik told her.

"I will do so, " she said as she pulled the floating metal bed behind her, she went to finish her part.


"C'mon, " Erik told Makemba as they headed to the Heart Shaped Herb's room, they stood away, watching until the people inside left for the council meeting. Once clear, they went inside as Erik locked the door, Makemba's eyes scanned the beautiful room as Erik put a long staff through the  handles of the doors.

Queen  (T'challa Udaku )Where stories live. Discover now