Queen 18

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"Memories warm you up from the inside, but they also tear you apart." Haruki Murakami

Kumiya was in her room now, they decided to keep this under wraps and to find out more before confronting Makemba with this information. Kumiya was afraid, yet she was not afraid for herself,for Makemba. If she told her of her past, if she repaired Makemba it would tear her apart from the inside out. A small part of her was happy to know that soon Makemba would no longer be weak, she'd be suffering no more.

13 years ago

It had been four years since she met her Princess. Despite knowing her baby was gone and not knowing the gender, she liked to believe, to hope, it was a girl and was like Princess Ekonia. Kumiya wondered why they trained her and Jared to be fed from, to be beat, humiliated and more, because it never happened. They wore the best clothes, they kept their names, they even had their own rooms. Kumiya was not foolish to how the others saw the Princess but she loved how Ekonia changed for no one. Her hatred was no longer against Princess Ekonia yet it was against the people she ruled.

Ekonia taught them French, their foods, she even taught them what her people were. They were Zenaluëins, they were creatures created from stars that died, that she was the only one who was born from the womb, that she was also only two years old at the time, yet she aged faster. Princess Ekonia told of how her Great Grandfather Tussaud,taught her that but he believed in a human belief instead, but they were not allowed to follow or believe any human thing. Humans were seen as a food source or seen as pets, considering that they are a weaker species compared to Zenaluëins.

Ekonia taught Kumiya of her powers and how she looked so different because she was sick. Each week she was took to the medical field for testing and she looked sick afterwards. Yet after resting she looked fine, Kumiya suspected they were making her sick. Either that or she was being punished for not feeding from them. Even though Kumiya saw her Princess suffer, yet the Princess focused more on their well-being than her own.

"She is stupid," Jared told Kumiya, they were in the room that the Princess had given to her. Despite him having his own room he always decided to come to hers.

"Do not speak of her that way, " Kumiya told him rolling her eyes. Princess Ekonia was gone again to the medical area for a surgery to repair her punctured lung. Kumiya was not with her Princess everyday, yet she knew it was a lie, if she was hurt she'd tell someone. Princess would not wait for someone to find out.

"Stop defending her, " he snapped, "Princess is just as bad as the others, if she was better we would be free, and rich," Jared told her, though she understood, Princess was a child, there was only do much she could do. Doing what she was make them feel free, even though they weren't. Kumiya got up leaving her room for her Princesses room.


"If there is any discomfort tell me, " a member of Shuri's staff told her. They were testing out Makemba's body to make sure she was healed, even though she hated it, she complied.

"I'm hungry, " she whined to Shuri who laughed.

"You'll eat once we are done, " Shuri told her, pulling the over head X-ray down, she examined Makemba's organs. They were functioning properly yet Shuri noticed something peculiar.

"Your right lung is larger than the left, " Shuri said aloud, looking she saw Makemba was not phased by this.

"Did you not hear me?," Shuri asked as her staff noticed her tone, Makemba rolled her eyes.

"I'm not deaf last time I checked, and I already know that, " Makemba told her smiling sarcasticly.

"What do you mean, what haven't you told us?," Shuri asked, "did your body heal wrong or what?," Shuri asked concerned about why she was not worried about her body.

"According to Kumiya, I had a few surgery's did when I was young, I was very sick as a child, "Makemba told her shrugging.

"How old were you when this surgery was done?," Shuri asked as a staff member grabbed a clipboard so she could further examine Makemba. The took notes noticing her henna, and many scars that were old, yet looked quite painful. Taking notes of this too, as they felt some areas that did not feel like human organs, they were too large or in the wrong place.

"I don't know," Makemba told her.

"You don't know or you won't say?," Shuri asked.

"I don't know, I can't remember anything before I was twelve so yea, "Makemba told her shrugging.

"What did you say?," Shuri asked Makemba.

"I can not remember-," Makemba told her slowly in a sarcastic tone.

"Don't repeat it," Shuri told her as the X-ray scanned Makemba's brain, she took pictures of it to have it analyzed later. Finishing her inspection she thanked them and left to go get food. Makemba didn't like to be rude, yet having people ask about her body, her past or anything personal, didn't sit well with her. The less they knew, the better because she did not know much about herself either. It only confused her more, and not knowing herself was hard when she could not remember or tell what was up or down. Feeling her head pound she massaged her temples to relieve the pain she felt.


T'challa carried the book under his arm, they had just finished a meeting and he longed to read the next chapter. Makemba was stabilized from what Shuri told him through the kumiyo beads,he waited long just to see his friend. Hearing she was ok was a relief, especially after the big scare of seeing her body so mangled. T'challa shook his head said trying to remove the memory of it. As he entered he saw her staff bustling around so he headed to her room himself as not to interrupt. Yet when he reached there, it was empty.

"Excuse me, where is she?," T'challa asked a staff member.

"King T'challa, she left about thirty minutes ago, " he replied bowing, he left.

T'challa went to Shuri's office to ask her more of Makemba, yet she was there looking at many body scans and notes. He knocked on the door way before he entered, she looked at him and smiled.

"Come look at this, " she told him waving him over. According to what she was seeing, Makemba should be in a great deal of pain.

"Who am I looking at?," he asked her, he saw healing fluid around the joints and small traces of bone deterioration.

"Makemba, her body healed greatly, yet it seems as if it takes a toll on her, see here, her bone is overlapping in her spinal lumbar,"Shuri told him.

"Yet it seems as if she has an extra heart valve also, " T'challa said. It looked as if Makemba was pulled apart and put together.

"Also she says she doesn't remember, so look, " Shuri said pulling out two brain scans. "This is before the mission, and this is after, " Shuri told him.

"Her brain function is at 20%," he said looking at the one before the mission, and the one afterwards.

"After the mission it's at 15%, a human brain only works at 10 %,and it should not drop 5% or be at 20% at all, " Shuri told her brother who was surprised. Even more so he was surprised at the size of her brain, it was one size larger than a human.

"So what did she tell you to make you look at this?," T'challa asked her, he worried it was something dire.

"Makemba's right lung is larger than the left, according to her someone named Kumiya, says she had surgery did when she was young. Thing is Makemba doesn't remember that at all, so it means her brain is shutting down when she heals," Shuri told T'challa.

"Either that or her brain is suppose to be at a higher percentage and is going backwards, " T'challa spoke aloud to himself.

"Tell no one this yet, only if there are any medical complications until then, this is between us, " he told her as he left her office to find Makemba.

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