Queen 34

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"Makemba stop being so shy," T'challa said to her, since announcing their emotions and his intentions, she had became distant. Makemba didn't call him honey, didn't hold his hand or anything.

"I'm trying, " she told him, yet she was across the room in her silks, and he was on the couch. Sighing her stood up and walked to them, looking through the largeass he didn't see her. Grabbing one he prayed silently he didn't fall from this height, though he'd be ok, he didn't want to look silly before his mate. Climbing up he saw movement over head. With silk around her waist she spun down, facing him as he climbed up.

"I can come down, " she told him as he shook his head.

"It is ok, " he told her smiling as she shrugged, she spun her her self up in four twirls. Looking he wondered how long she had been doing this. As he reached the top he looked at her in shock. It looked like her own little world of blue silk. There was a cereal bowl, still full that did not spill, her paperwork, a book and coffee.

"How do you do this?," he asked sitting in a silk like hammock.

"Balance, " she said.

"Why so high, and dangerous ?,"he asked her as she smiled.

"Well for one...when I'm up here the fear of what I'm going through is small, " she told him as he looked confused she elaborated. "If I break something, I'll heal, but if I get my emotions hurt...," she trailed off.

"You might not heal, " he said.

"Exactly, " she said smiling.

"So you tell me how you feel,then you avoid me for an entire day, " he said as she held her hand down. "That's not fair to me, you can not agree to be with me then lock yourself up," he told her.

"I'm sorry," she said as he went to hold her.

"I know how to feel, with many past relationships, you are afraid of being hurt," he told her as he thought of the girls after his money, his title, the ones who cheated and so on. T'challa was no stranger to being hurt emotionally, so he vowed not to do so to her.

" I'm going to trust you, do not break my trust, " she told him as she straddled him, she kissed him first. Grabbing her waist he held her there, she tasted like oranges,to her he tasted like coco. So lost in the kiss he forgot they were in mid air,leaning back he fell backwards. Preparing himself to land he opened his eyes to see he didn't fall. Looking up Makemba held him by his ankle, both of her legs wrapped around a silk loop as her other hand reached for him. T'challa grabbed her hand, as she pulled him up, then she flipped out of the silk loop.

"Makemba!," he yelled as she swung him onto a silk loop, she landed next to him standing as she laughed at his fear.

"Calm down, play with me, " she said falling back. Before she got close to the floor, she grabbed another  silk and swung to the other side.Preforming a summersalt and dived into the other silks.

"What game are we playing?," T'challa asked her aloud.

"Tag," she replied as she swung into another silk, as disappeared. T'challa stood trying to steady himself as he jumped right the silks, grabbing a piece he swung up, as be was face to face with his mate. Hanging herself  by her neck she flipped landing safely in the next silk, as T'challa followed. They continued this for a while, slowly but surely, Makemba began to unravel.

Makemba stood at the stove finishing dinner, all T'challa did was pick the greens and watching her, yet that was all. The shrimp was frying as she strained the macaroni and cheese in silence.

"I got it," T'challa said as he took the cornbread out of the oven.Once done with the food, her and T'challa sat down, the only light in the room was candles.

"When did you realize you liked me?," Makemba asked T'challa breaking the silence.

"When you saved my life and also the Dora's," he said as he ate, "this is really good, who taught you?," he asked her as she laughed.

"I love to eat so I'm self taught, " she told him.

"You're so beautiful,I can not wait till you're mine, " he said as he pecked her lips.

"I am yours, " she told him as he shook his head no.

"Not completely, not yet but we are getting there, " he added,"When did you realize you liked me?," he asked her. Makemba seemed deep in thought as she bit her lip nervously.

"When I was unconscious and you would visit me," she told him," I'm use to being alone at those times, you made me feel...important."

Their kumiyo beads lit up as they both answered they saw Shuri who looked quite upset.

"Zyri is looking for you and she knows of Ayo and Erik, " she told him as Makemba screamed mentally.

"Why the hell she lookin' for you?," Makemba asked as T'challa looked at her then Shuri.

"I don't know, we did nothing, ever I swear, " T'challa told Makemba who looked at him warily, "trust me, " he added.

"Have the Elders been alerted?," he asked.

"No but soon they will be, and they're gonna bitch, " Nakia said as she stepped into call also.

"We're leaving now," T'challa said as Makemba got up and started packing for their early trip home.

"I'll get an emergency plane," Shuri told them as she ended the game.Once packed they immediately headed to the airport and boarded the plane to Wakanda. As they settled in to rest, T'challa thought now was best to tell her that they must announce their union.


Picture of their dinner aka what I cooked for dinner

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Picture of their dinner aka what I cooked for dinner. Also sorry for not having a specific time for updates, I'll getting better just so much STRESS right now, and vote comment, share, and happy reading.

Queen  (T'challa Udaku )Where stories live. Discover now