Queen 12

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"I am human, " Sevdaliza .

"Tony I'm heading to Wakanda," Natasha told him over the phone. Wanda had to force Kumiya to come to her considering she thought fighting her was a good idea.

"Well go, we have Kumiya, "Tony said wincing as Vision slapped Kumiya who had just kicked him, hitting his thigh after missing his groin.

"Tony, "Natasha asked, the hint of worry had Tony paying more attention.

"I'm worried about her so I'm accompanying her on the mission," she added before hanging up. If she was accompanying Makemba on a mission, it meant nothing good. Makemba was very well trained, having Natasha decide to go meant something happened she was not telling.

"What the fuck?," Kumiya asked angrily.

"You're going to tell us what you know about Makemba and now or else we'll force you to, "Tony threatened.

"Makemba won't allow it, " she snapped.

"Makemba isn't here you bitch, " Wanda told her a small part of her was happy about the fear she saw on her face.
It had been an entire day now, and Makemba had not moved an inch. Her vitals were fine, her brain was active, yet she still unconscious.

"T'challa I think it's time to call Mr. Stark, " Nakia said holding Makemba's limp hand.

"I think we should wait a while, " he told her, if what Shuri said was true, she was hurt saving him and the Dora Milaje.

"You will not enter!," they heard a Dora Milaje yell before she stumbled through the doors. Natasha wore blue jeans and a Pink Floyd T-shirt the Dora Milaje scrambled to stand in a defense stance to attack; yet Okoye stood before Natasha.

"So you weren't going to notify us, " Natasha stated rather than asked. They had ice on Makemba and she shook her head.

"How long has she been out?,"she asked walking towards her friend.

"You can not attack one of my warriors and demand any answers from me," T'challa snapped at her. Not because he thought she shouldn't be concerned but because in her eyes, he already saw her accusing him. Natasha walked past them and began taking the ice off of her friend.

"We are trying to awaken her,    stop it, " Shuri said grabbing Natasha's hands angrily in which she snatched away.

"You're using ice because she told you that's how to heal someone she hurt, ice doesn't heal her, only those she attacks, you're making her worse, " Natasha said to them fear in her voice.

"Now if you want to help, help me get her out of the damn ice, " Natasha told them. As her, Nakia, and Shuri got her out, T'challa grabbed a blanket handing it to Natasha.

"We can't dry her off yet, "Natasha told him. "Do you have a defibrillator?," Natasha asked. As Shuri nodded her head yes she went to go get it.

"We were trying to treat her, yet nothing worked, " T'challa explained to Natasha.

"Makemba was resting, she induced her own self to sleep," Natasha explained as she held Makemba's watch in her hand. Having found it on her arrival outside Makemba's room. Latching it on to Makemba, Ekonia woke up.

"Thank God, Master is eight hours over, body is healed, induce shock, " Ekonia told her. Shuri had came back with the defibrillator,she grabbed the patches but Natasha stopped her.

"She can die from that shock on her bare skin, "Shuri told her, "I know what I'm doing. "

"With all due respect if you did, you would've left her alone, "Natasha retorted.

Queen  (T'challa Udaku )Where stories live. Discover now