Letting go and starting a new

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(Note! I'm back, thanks for all the love. This week was very hard and lots of tears and heartache took place. It's very strange to pass my grandparents home and not stop to pay them a visit. It was strange to walk into the house and it is empty, it's just a shell now of what used to be."

The sound of a grown man screaming is always entertaining but Chris was not amused at one in the morning. Chris flipped back the duvet and walked to the bathroom, opening the door he saw David standing on the toilet with the plunger in his hand. A creature had made its way into the house.

"What the fuck!" Chris yelled.

"I don't know! I went to pee and the fucker hissed at me, I pissed on the floor!" David yelled back.

"Come on jump off of there and I'll call an exterminator!" He watched as all six foot four of David leaped off the toilet with as much grace as a newborn baby deer. Chris slammed the bathroom door, throwing his body against it.

"What the ever living fuck was that thing?" David panted with his hands on his knees.

"I don't know but I'm calling someone because it really didn't look friendly." Chris called an exterminator to clear the creature from the bathroom. The man who took out the possum they later found out told them they might want to have the entire house looked at. When they finally laid down into bed they had a good laugh.

"I didn't expect that when we stayed in our old house that we would have to fight off possums. Raccoons maybe but not possums." David chuckled.

"What do you expect no one has lived here in a year. And the last ones to live here was a bunch of frat boys."

"I know but I hate having to come here just to clean it out for the realtor."

"David, we need to sell it. We never come back to Connecticut. " Chris said propping himself onto one elbow.

"Technically we don't need to sell. We could still keep using it as a bed and breakfast."

"Yes I know honey but we have our home in B. We don't need to keep this one too, plus I'm tired of paying a cleaning lady every time a guest leaves." Chris says flopping back on the bed.

"Ok I get that, but this was our first home together. This is where we had our second date and third, fourth and fifth date and then you just moved in." David laughed.

"You're just grasping at straws here."

"No, I'm not I'm just sentimental. Besides, do you remember our first date?" David grinned rolling on top of Chris.

"I remember you dropping ice cream on my crotch."

"I was nervous, it was our first real date." David kissed him. "And do you remember our first kiss after way too many years."

"I remember we had a three-year-old giggling behind us."

"You are just trying to ruin this for me aren't you?" David huffed putting his forehead on Chris's shoulder.

"No, no I'm really not. I'm being realistic, we don't need to keep a house we never use."

"We use it!"

"Name the last time we were here?" Chris asked smiling.

"Well we came here for, you know? That time that we, ugh!" David dropped his head onto Chris's chest, his voice was muffled. "Ok, you win! We never use it, ugh we need to sell it."

"I love it when you admit I'm right." Chris laughed, hugging David and kissing the top of his head. Davids' head shot up and he gave him an angry look.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Where stories live. Discover now