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"My god it's like a shrine to the 80's up here." Luca stood in amazement as he looked through the contents of the attic.

"I told you my mother never throws anything away. But I think she said everything from then is over here." Elio walked to the plastic bins that were marked Elio's room.

"With all the pictures that your momma has given me I think Violante will be able to recreate almost everything, I don't think she will have much to do since the house hasn't really changed." Luca rubbed the back of his neck. "But your room will need to be completely converted and so will your closet but I promise we will put it all back together once the movie is done."

"I know you will Luca, but seeing the house back the way it used to be will be a little unsettling. Old memories welcomed memories." Elio picked up a pair of swim shorts that was in one of the boxes labeled Elio's clothes. He held them up and began to laugh. "Well here's part of Armies wardrobe, these were Oliver's. I think I stole all of his swimming shorts before he left. Oh, I did, red, green and yellow." Elio held them up.

"My god, Timmy, and Armie will be set but I'm sure Giulia will add some things. We will take down all these totes and give them to those two."

"We? No that's why the boys are here they can help." Elio walked to the window and yelled at Chris, David, and Jona to come to the attic.

"Ah good! I'm too old to carry those."

"You too old how do you think I feel? Oh, I have something else for you but you have to promise nothing will happen to them."

"Promise" Luca crossed his fingers over his heart. Following Elio, to his and Oliver's room, Luca saw the most beautiful things lying on the bed.

"Are those the originals?"

"Of course they are, billowy as I like to call it and my watch, bracelets, walkman, and pretty much everything I carried with me. I let Timmy read my diaries so they are with him, he sent me an email he is arriving tomorrow."

"Oh yes, I've got everything set for him. He's going to be staying in one of the apartments in the piazza next door to mine."

"Oh, those are beautiful little apartments. But remember you can do whatever to the house as long as you put it back and no touching the piano it's not moved in thirty years." Elio was stern about the piano.

"I know and your momma already told me about her kitchen and the study but honestly Elio we aren't going to remove much. Just taking away the modern things and completely restoring the two rooms upstairs. The main focus inside the house just a few rooms."

"Well my mother has done most of the work for you this house is like a time capsule, every year a little more gets added to it." Elio placed his hand over his heart running his fingers over the pictures that lined the desk in front of his bedroom window.

"Are you sure you are fine with us using the house, Elio?" Luca asked when Elio turned Luca had his arms crossed over his chest looking at him with endearment.

"Of course I am, you couldn't do the film anywhere else. It wouldn't be as true to the spirit of it. I'm just trying to imagine this house the way that it used to feel. Too much has happened in this house, there have been births and deaths in this house. Hell Sammy was born in the living room. It's just a house but it's also a memory in its own."

"Well, anything you need taken over to your son's my crew will happily take over." Luca said putting his arms out.

"Hell, I feel sorry for them having to pick up all the kids toys." Oliver was standing in the doorway, startling Luca.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Where stories live. Discover now