Growing Up

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Summer was ending. Tess had left a few weeks ago and for Christopher's birthday, Elio and Oliver had given him a week-long trip to wherever he wanted. He and Jude had decided they wanted to go to Amsterdam. Oliver didn't ask questions they were both 18 now. Christopher and Jude would be back that Sunday.

Back from his run, Oliver strolled into the kitchen Annella was stood at the counter just finishing breakfast. Lea was bringing the coffee outside. She had been spending most of her summer at the house. He had notice Jona the change in his youngest son. Oliver was worried when they would have to leave. Grabbing toast from the plate he ran upstairs where Elio was just stepping out of the shower.

"Aren't you gorgeous." Oliver was leaning in the doorway. Elio was drying off and jumped at the sound of Oliver's voice.

"Well, I dunno how are you?" He sauntered toward Oliver, dropping the towel exposing his naked body.

"I'm great just had a run, body is really limber now." Oliver placed his hands on Elios hips sliding them down to cup his ass.

"Oh, Professor do you always go around groping men that have just gotten themselves clean?"

"Just the ones I want to get back in the shower so I can have my way with him."


After lunch when everyone had gone to take their afternoon naps Jona sat down next to Oliver at the outside table. Looking at him, he knew Jona had something on his mind.

"Yes?" Oliver asked taking a drink of his gin and tonic.

"Dad? How do you? Well, how did you know you were in love with Elio?" Jona was twisting his bracelets, Oliver was stunned he wasn't expecting this question.

"Uh well, I knew I wanted him the second I saw him. I just hid it better. But I knew when I wanted to be him so that I could spend every second with him. Each time I tried avoiding him it became harder and harder, then for a split second, I gave in. Jona the moment I realized I loved Elio was when I shook his hand that first day. I was done. Every word he spoke I was captivated and I knew I was in love because in my 24 years I'd never been so confused about what I was feeling and so completely overtaken by this persistent human being. He was and still is the bravest person I know he knew what he wanted when I didn't, he was strong when I couldn't be. He has and always will be the music of my soul, the author of my love story. Sweetheart Elio and I thought we were doing what was right for one another when we were young. Truth is if you find someone who you can't tell where they being and you end hold on to them. Ok?"

Jona nodded, taking in a deep breath.

"Then I think I'm in love."

Oliver smiled patting Jona on the back.


"Yeah, I think it started last summer and then I saw her this summer. I have a tight feeling in my chest and there are butterflies in my stomach."

"Love my sweet boy, it is love. But we will be back at Thanksgiving, Christmas and before you know it, it's going to be summer again. And then you will be in your last year of high school. If you two still feel the same way we wouldn't object. Elio definitely wouldn't tell you, you're too young and neither would I."

"I know but I just, I just don't want what happened to you and mom."

"Jona, you will only end up like that if you don't follow your heart."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, buddy I'm very sure."

"What if this feeling goes away?" Jona spoke softly not making eye contact whim his dad.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Where stories live. Discover now