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The house was somber, all cast and crew had gone to Rome for the final days of shooting. When the day came for the train station scene both Elio and Oliver didn't go to set. They had decided to not relive that moment again. They wanted to see it on screen like they had decided to do with all the big moments. The first touch, kiss and midnight scene they were not on set. The main crew had gone to Rome while the rest put the villa back together. Oliver and Elio had been staying in the grad student room the entire production. When they woke that morning the crew was just finishing up.

As Elio walked around the house he notices little things had been moved. The old plastic tubs had moved into every room and just as quickly as they came in, they just as quickly vacated. The room that used to be just Elios was now restored back to Elio and Oliver's. All the old books, posters and clothes had been returned back to their proper bins. The spare room was turned back into their closet and what used to be their norm now felt alien. Oliver walked into Samuel's study, as the last book was being placed back into the box.

"You can just leave that box there." Oliver told the crew member. He nodded and left the room. He pulled the book out, running his fingers over the binding. He remembered these books, the few times he did visit over the years, Oliver would always scan over the bindings to see if the Professor had added to his collection.

"Strange isn't it?" Elio stood at the door.

"I feel as if thirty years has disappeared in a matter of moments."

"It does feel like moments, twenty years of barely speaking time does happen to get away from us. Now we've been together 13 years and life just keeps getting better."

"And before you know it we are going to be so old and retired. Complaining about all of our aches and pains." Oliver laughed

"We, my love are going to age like fine wine. We aren't going to look our age. I refuse to look 80 when I am 80." Elio walked towards Oliver pulling on his Guns and Roses t-shirt so Elio could steal a kiss before he greeted his first student of the day.

"I know you like to have control but I'm pretty sure you don't have a say in that department, my dear."

"The first sign of a wrinkle I'm retiring." Elio said walking out the door.

"Well good thing I didn't tell you about the grey hairs l saw last night." Oliver mumble after Elio left the room.

Just as the last picture was put back onto the wall, the last book put on the shelf the villa was quiet. The revival of their summer romance had come to an end once again. Old feelings had come to life, old memories have been unearthed and ghosts had been resurrected and laid to rest. Production was over...


Two weeks had passed since the last crew member left the villa. The backyard was draped with white, red and yellow Lilies. The children were being tutted after to keep their clothes clean.

"Sammy Adler don't get near the pool, you get wet your mother will have your hide!" Jona yells at his oldest son.

"Papa I'm not going to fall in." Sammy yelled back at him.

"One of them is going to fall, I can see it now. Who do you think will be the first to go down?" Christopher asked nudging Jona.

"At this rate, I think they are all going to fall in. I swear these kids will be the death of me. What the hell possessed me to have four children?"

"Love possessed you, that and you can't keep your hands off your wife." Chris laughed.

"Ha-ha! You're not funny. Do you know she wants more of these?" Jona said pointing to his children.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Where stories live. Discover now