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Oliver woke before 8 am, grumbling.

"What in the hell are you doing?" Elio asked a little upset Oliver woke him with the slamming of the bathroom door.

"I just got a call on the house phone from My publisher,he said he's been calling my cell all morning. I've got to run down to his office."

"Well I see this happening a lot in your future why don't you get Christopher his own phone, that way we don't have to worry about him so much." Elio said which just caused Oliver to grumbling even more sounding like the dad from Christmas Story. Elio knew today was going to be filled by cranky Oliver unless he got good news from his publisher. Maybe shower sex would brighten his day, Elio flings back the sheets and strips naked on his way to the bathroom. Oliver was going to get happy even if Elio had to pull out all the cards this morning.

Elio sat in the study working on his music, he had gotten half way through the first chorus before he heard someone knocking at the front door. He was greeted by a smiling Michael and Arty. Michael opened his arms embarrassing Elio in a bear hug.

"Elio, my god you can never leave us like that again!" Michael was the dramatic one of the two.

"Hello to you too Michael. How was Florida?" Elio asked, as he welcomed them into the house.

"Florida was hot, mugie and absolutely beautiful. We got to spend three weeks with my sister and her husband. Who by the way is the dullest man I've ever met in my life." Michael chattered on a little longer than normal.

"I think he missed you, plus between his mother and sister he couldn't get a word in edgewise." Arty commented chuckling.

"Christ they talk more than he does." Elio laughed. Elio and Oliver had become extremely fast friends with the two men. Elio quickly found out that Oliver could out talk Micheal into the wee hours of the morning. Especially fueled by liquor, Elio had found a fellow music lover in Arty.

The front door swings opens, then a few seconds later slams shut. Elio could hear Oliver grumbling again like the dad from a Christmas Story. He could have sworn he'd gotten rid of that Oliver this morning after a vigorous shower sex session. Oliver stomps in the living room looking very disgruntled.

"Do you know what he had the audacity to ask me?" Oliver waved his manuscript in his hand. Elio and everyone else in the room were caught off guard by aggressive Oliver.

"I'm not one hundred percent sure I want ask, just put the manuscript down dear." Elio responses.

"My publisher says my manuscript is too harlequin romance novel for them and wants me to add in an antagonist. He's an idiotic foul! The antagonist is time and love itself! Also he wants an outside perspective, he wants me to have a few outside viewers to read it."

"What's it about?" Michael asked

"It's about Elio and myself about how we met and my life after Elio." Oliver started to calm now.

"I will read it, Arty and I would love too."

"It's very detailed, I don't want you two to look at us differently once you read this." Oliver smiled a little.

"Honey we heard you two going at it every night for the first six months you lived here. Nothing could change our minds about you." They all laugh.

"This is why I like having good friends close by." Oliver howled with laughter.

"Come on lets have lunch and talk about your trip." Elio waves them into the kitchen.

"Lunch outside has to be my favorite time of day." Elio said squeezing Olivers hand.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat