Consume Me...

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Waves soothingly crashed against the beach, the setting sun leaving just enough light that Elio could still see Oliver's face. He slowly moves his hand up Oliver naked body, they had made love on the patio during the storm. Palm bushes were plenty on the property and they were free to be naked and make love anywhere.



"Can you go back and tell 17 year of Elio that this is where we end up?" He kissed Oliver breathing him in.

"I don't know if I could do that."


"Could you imagine?" Oliver snorted.

"What? You wouldn't like to know then what we know now?" Elio kissed his chest.

"No, I don't think I would. I know I wouldn't want anything spoiled whether it be the good or the bad it wouldn't be as fun. I don't want any spoilers in our lives. You are officially my husband, I would never want that to be spoiled for me."

The rain began to fall again, Elio pulled the blanket off the back of the outdoor sofa. Oliver pulled Elio in tighter.

"Did you see the way that girl behind the counter looked at us when we walked in?" Oliver asked

"No, why?"

"Oh come on, you didn't see the way she was flirting with you?"

"She wasn't flirting she was being nice. And don't start because I see the way everyone looks at you. You're 57 and you don't look a day over 40. You still run every day and you have the ass and the abs of a sex god." Elio smacked Oliver's chest.

"A sex god?" Oliver said bemusedly. "You think I have the body of a sex god?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Oh, Christ! Your ego just got bigger didn't it?" Elio said getting up and trying to crawl over Oliver to head into the house. Oliver grabbed his hips and pushed his hard cock against Elio.

"My ego is still the same but something else got bigger." Oliver had a devilish grin on his face.

"You never cease to amaze me, you have the stamina of a teenager."

"So do you."

"We may need to buy stock in the little blue pill company if one of us ever has a problem." Elio laughed, Oliver pulled him down so their bodies were flush together.

"Oh, you're funny." Oliver kissed him.

"Meh, I mean I'm pretty quick-witted if I do say so myself."

Oliver slid his hand down Elio's back, his hand splayed on Elio ass and he smiled as he quickly eased his middle finger inside of Elio. Elio sucked in a quick breath.

"Oh fuck!" Elio bit out.

"I don't think we will ever need to invest in a little blue pill."


A clap of thunder hit off in the distance, Oliver shot up looking around. Night had finally fallen and the water had calmed. Elio was breathing deep, they had indulged in all the wine the house had to offer. He searched for his shorts among the pillows, finding the black pair of shorts hanging on the chair across the patio.

"Shit" Oliver whispered. He eased himself off of the outdoor sofa to grab his shorts. He quickly put them on Oliver took in the sight of the beach that was only 200 yards away. Taking a deep breath he felt warm arms wrapped around his chest, small kisses between his shoulders.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Where stories live. Discover now