The book

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Oliver laid in bed looking out at the city of Florence, the city was bustling so early in the morning. The light was coming in through the open windows. Elio sauntered out of the bathroom naked, body still shimmering with the afterglow of sex. Elio crawled up the king size bed, kissing Oliver's body in various places. He saddled up next to Oliver draping his arm a crossed his chest.

"We have seen so much of this city in the last two days. I almost forgot what it was like not to worry about the boys." Oliver softly spoke as he ran his fingers up Elios back.

"I know, but we only get three more full weeks with them before they go back to their mom." Elio breathes out.

"I don't know, I have a terrible feeling about what's going on with Madeline. She's not called this month."

"I asked Sophia if she calls. She just shook her head no."

"I wish I could get ahold of her. Her sister is no help, she just calls me a cheating bastard and hangs up on me."

"Well in a month we will find out what is going on. The summer has just flown by." Elio expresses his annoyance with the passing of time.

"God, David goes home next week. He's going to be my TA this semester, haven't had one of those in a while. It's going to be a lot of help."

"That's fantastic, Christopher will love that. I'm going to feel so terrible when we leave, Christopher and Valentina have gotten so close."

"Well, Marzia said they will come and visit so it's not completely heartbreaking. Besides he's 17, he's a quarterback and he's very charming so he will be fine. I don't think it's love with Valentina." Oliver is very sure of himself.

"Christopher has changed a lot and so has Jona my god he's really come out of his shell."

"Christ I know, the other day when I was coming out of the bookstore I saw him with a group of girls. And if I'm not mistaken according to our neighbors he's been caught making out with all of them. Never thought I'd have to worry about Jona, he's always been, my sweet baby."

"I think that's what the girls like, he plays guitar and I've been teaching him piano. I think I've even heard him sing, he may be a triple threat."

"As long as no one ends up pregnant or with an std I will be fine." Oliver laughs.

"Oh we have got to get up, we got to meet the boys at the airport by 4." Elio rolls to look at the clock.

"I need to call Marzia to make sure she gets them to the train station by 2. I can't wait for them to see London."

The phone was ringing in the kitchen, Christopher could faintly hear it from his room.

"Fuck, we've got to stop." David breathlessly pulling away from Christopher's lips.

"You say that every time I try to go below your waistband." Christopher moans out while leaning against his bedroom wall.

"Well I'm trying to keep it just to kissing, you go any further I won't be able to stop myself. Besides I kind of like our arrangement." He smiles at Christopher.

"Oh yeah hell of an arrangement, we make out get all hot and bothered. Then I run off to go fuck Valentina before my balls turn blue and you go do whatever it is you do. I would really like to know what it is you do."

"No, no that's something I'm not telling you."

"Why don't you want to tell me? Is it really dirty?" Christopher asked leaning into David nipping his ear.

"Stop that! Jesus! You will be the death of me Christopher Adler!" David barked out jumping off the bed grabbing his ear. Christopher howled with laughter. A knock came at the door.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Where stories live. Discover now