Home Again

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With the summer ending Oliver and Elio had been shut up in the study preparing their curriculum for the year. Jona had spent the last remaining days at the beach. Playing his guitar and trying to get as tan as possible. Christopher stayed either inside waiting for an email from David or he was out running. He had to get back in shape before the first day of school. He couldn't waste his time thinking of David.

They had packed all of their bags and packed a few boxes to ship back to the states. Everyone embarrassed Elios mother, he hated leaving her. He knew the next time he would see her would be thanksgiving break when they would come to visit. The taxi had arrived and the boys packed all the luggage in.

"Momma I will be back to see you before you know it, I'll call you as soon as we land. I love you." Elio was afraid to let go of her.

"I love you too, I will wait for your call pacino." She wipes away her tears with her tissue she kept tucked into her watch.

"Later Mrs.P, we will see you very soon." Oliver smiled leaning down giving Annella a hug.

"Oliver sweetheart, you are family I think you can stop calling me Mrs. P." She patted him on the face.

"I will when you stop calling me le movie star."

"I haven't called you that in ages."

"You called me that this morning at breakfast, when I was late."

She playful swatted him with her handkerchief. Christopher and Jona gave her long hugs, they loved their new found nonna,both their parents mothers had passed.

They got into the taxi and Elio hung out the window blowing kisses to his momma. The train ride was quiet, the boys had fallen asleep, they had been out with friends all night saying their goodbyes.

Walking out of JFK airport was a culture shock, the boys hadn't realized how loud New York was. No one said good morning or how are you? You didn't get to know the faces or get to know your neighbors. Well unless you were his parents. Pulling up to the brownstone they saw Stan holding a very excited Chapman. The golden retrievers entire body was wagging and as soon as Christopher and Jona got out of the taxi. Chapman began to whine and howl with excitement, Stand finally couldn't hold the dog back anymore.

Chapman leapt out of his arms and dashed toward the boys, they met him on their hands and knees each getting an excited lick to the face. He was so excited he didn't know who he wanted to love on more so he just flopped down between them to get belly rubs.

"Good boy Chapman!" Jona spoke to him in the normal baby voice people do to a dog. Stan got up and walked to the family greeting them.

"How does it feel to be home, boys?" Stan half hugged Oliver.

"Loud! I forget how loud and confined New York is." Oliver groaned. Stan reached out to hug Elio.

"We will survive, it's the boys who will need time to adjust. I warned them it was going to be hard to come from B back to New York." Elio hugged Stan looking to the boys.

"I already miss going on my morning swim, Dad we've got to get a pool. We've been ruined." Christopher laughed.

"Why do we need a pool, we spend the summer in B?" Oliver asked.

"Well it's still warm for the next two months, we will go crazy."

"I'm sure you boys will be fine, go to the pool at the school it's open."

Getting back into the swing of living back home, the friends they had left behind swarmed the house. All of Jona and Christopher's friends came over, one Christopher's best friend Jude tried raiding the fridge.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora