Chapter 27

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It was three days till my wedding. In three short days, I'd be Mrs.Hemmings.

Oh. My. God.

Me being nervous was an understatement. What if we got into a fight? What if he said no?

I really need to stop with all of these negative thoughts but, I can't help but do so. I'm getting married, I'm only nineteen, and Luke wants to have kids. I have been avoiding that conversation for the longet time, I just, I didn't want to have kids with him and then leave. Yeah, I was going to have kids before I was twenty five, but, I don't want Luke to leave because I got knocked up by him. I feel like if I became pregnant he'd just get up and leave because he couldn't take the stress of a child.

But then again, this is Luke we're talking about, he's a complete softie and would treat his children like Green Day tickets. I just wonder if we really are ready for a little us? I don't know...

"Hey babe!" Luke says, making me jump.

"Oh my god Luke, you scared the living shit out of me." I say, trying to catch my breath. 

"Sorry babe, but I have a question to ask you?" He says.


"When are we having our practice wedding?" He asks. Oh my god, I forgot about that.

"Um, we could do tomorrow night?" I say.

"Yeah, that'll be good." He smiles, probably texting the guys, their girlfriends, and his parents. Sadly, my parents and I haven't been in contact so, they are unable to attend. Though my parent's weren't good ones, they're still my mom and dad.

"Are you excited," He says. "In three days we'll be Mr and Mrs.Hemmings!" He smiles.

"I know, I'm just a bit stressed." I laugh//

"Is it about the whole thing about me wanting a baby?" He asks.

"Yeah, and well, I think I want a child. I mean, we'd be some amazing parents." I smile.

My phone rang, me seeing it was Elizabeth.

"Hey Liz wha-"

"Elizabeth is in labor, we're in the Sydney Hospital, in the ER, you and Luke need to come, please hurry, I'm calling the others." Ashton's voice says.

"Oh my god, we'll be there soon!" I say, hanging up.

"What's going on?" Luke asks, curious.

"Celeste Skylar Irwin is being born today." I smile. Luke and I bolt out of the house and drive to the hospital.

Celeste was born Wednesday, September 9th, 2015. She was 3,302 grams and 49 cm.

We were all beaming with excitement, especially Ashton, he was smiling largely, watching Celeste in the baby room thing.

"So, you're finally a dad now." I say to him/

"Yeah. Like seriouslyit's just amazing, cause I created that." He says, smiling.

"Hey Ashton, you can get matching pony shirts when your older." He rolls his eyes, still smiling.

I walk over to Luke and he's smiling too.

"I'm an uncle. Except, I'm not really related to Ashton, we're all still uncles." Luke smiles.

"You're so cute, let's go home, we can visit our niece soon." I chuckle, taking Luke'd hand.

And then, that night, we tried for a baby, me loosing my virginity to Luke.


The Next Day...

Two more days until my wedding, that means last minute alterations, set ups, final payments, everyone was going insane. And well me, I was so sore, my... lady parts... hurt.

"Babe are you okay?" Luke asks as he sees me wince in pain.

"No, thanks to you." I whine, crawling into bed.

"You weren't saying that last night when I was-"

"Go away or come cuddle." I say, holding my arms out for him.

Luke rolled his eyes and took off everything except for his boxers, crawling into bed with me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I love you." He says

"I love you too."

"Endlessly and effortlessly."

That has become our okay. In The Fault In Our Stars, Hazel and Gus's thing was okay? Okay. While Luke and I's was Endlessly and Effortlessly.

I am lucky to be with Luke, he's my everything. I think that if we weren't so stubborn, we could've gotten together sooner or later. Even though Luke was a sick boy before, he's a sweet man now, he just needed to mature, even though, men will never mature, they will hold onto their Xbox's until death.

I wouldn't change anything that happened between Luke and I, I wouldn't change his actions towards me, or mine towards him. Why? Because everything happens for a reason. I was always meant to be with Luke, even if it wouldn't last until I died. Nothing last forever, as nothing stays the same. The Amari I am today is a different Amari from years ago. I will not be on earth forever, one day I'll die, and go wherever I go. Being a heaven or hell, reincarnation, or just gone.

Everyday I fall in love with Luke a little bit more, and I'm glad to do the honor of become Amari Hemmings, because then, I'll be his, and he'll be mine legally. But, it was like that even before we got engaged, because when you love someone so much, you can't let them go, not ever. No matter what your mind wants, your heart will always lead the way.


Okay, sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I just got a little stuck on this chapter soo....

The updates are gonna be a bit slow because this book will probably have fourty three chapters, including epilogue. So, I have to make sure everything falls in the right place for the book when I complete it. And then I have to edit it. So, this story will probably be completed by January to mid Febuary.

Falling for The Cause Of My Pain l.r.hOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora