Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Status: Edited


Here I am, still alone with Luke, locked inside a fucking tour bus. I'm not really ashamed of Elizabeth, it's her life and after this, I'll forgive her. She's playing a role so she can't draw too much attention to herself. I pull out my notebook, and start writing a new entry.

Dear Diary,

Have I told you how much life can suck? Well, it sucks a ton. I'm stuck on the tour bus with Luke, my high school bully. Yeah, I know, maybe your life doesn't suck, it's probably just mine. But, maybe I should tell you another memory of Luke before he really met me, before he had the chance to hate me. Well, I have multiple memories of the old Luke. Like when he tutored me in high school for Maths.

"All you have to do is round it to the thousands and then estimate how many." Luke says. I attempt the problem again, not being able to solve it. I hate Maths, why did I even take this course, it's complete bullshit.

"I don't get it. Wait, I do get it, I just don't understand how to do it." I explain to Luke.

"You are very lucky I am your Maths tutor because I am gifted at this. Okay, watch what I do and see if you get it." Luke suggests. I nod and he begins to solve the problem as I watch. I noticed that when he would think for a moment he would bite his lip. I shook my thoughts and observed the problem. Then I noticed my mistake.

"Shit." I mumble. Luke looks at me and tsks me.

"It's not very ladylike to swear." He jokes.

"Well I don't live by sixteenth century etiquette." I shoot back laughing. Luke chuckles at my responce, looking at me with his clear blue eyes. I sigh mentally. He still didn't have a clue that I was the girl he kissed at dance. That sucked like, a ton. I really like Luke but, he doesn't know that I was the girl that ran away from him at the dance.

"Well, should we continue your Maths homework?" He asks.

"No." I groan.

"Too bad." He says, chuckling, I roll my eyes, laughing as well.

"More like too late." I smirk.

Wow diary, I wish my life would just be normal for once, not like it is now. I think I made a mistake not staying with him at the dance. I just, I just wish that somehow, he could've just been the Luke Hemmings I met at the dance, not the asshole who ruined my life. I just want to be happy. I'll write soon diary, I have to get out my anger, sorrow, confusion, and of course my opinions. I found a new hiding place for you so, now you rest, wedged between the wall and the fridge. It's three A.M so I can hide you easily without anyone knowing where you rest. If there was a Grammy award for worst outcome in life, I'd win it every year. I hope old memory's surface, I liked it when Luke didn't know me well, those were my happy days.

With Sadness,

Amari Clemson xx

I close my journal quietly and wedge it between the wall and the fridge, making sure it wouldn't fall so Luke or the others could read it. When the tour bus opens and Elizabeth enters, I give her a huge hug.

"I am so sorry Amari, I couldn't say no, it would've been odd. I am very sorry." She whispers.

"Luke knows it's me. He found my diary and now he also knows I was the girl who ran away from him at the dance so long ago. He knows he was hung up on me, out of all people." I whisper back.

"Well, I don't think Luke would tell, I mean, how can you get back, the guys really like you. But just keep in mind, you're Jordan for now. Let's go to bed, I know you are as tired as I am." She smiles. We go to our separate bunks and prepare for sleep. I don't fall asleep on my own, I fall asleep to the sound of Luke's voice replaying in my head.


When I wake up, we're driving again, and in a new location. I sit up and rub my eyes, yawning, then stretching.

"Jordan!" A voice calls. I groan immediately, crawl out of bed and to the lounge room.

"Yes?" I ask, irritated that I was awoken rudely.

"Did Luke and you have fun, last night." Calum smirked, putting emphases on fun.

"Luke and I didn't have sex, we didn't do anything. I just made him dinner, talked to him, and then I stayed up writing. So I don't know Cal." I laugh.

"Aw, you called me Cal!" Calum cooed.

"I want to sleep, I need sleep, I'm tired. I had a long night you know, being locked in here with Luke. We tried breaking the door open so we're all sore and tired." I whine.

"We'll wake you guys up when we arrive. Have a nice sleep loser." Calum says.

"You're a loser nobody likes you." "Go die loser." We picked a nice spot in the graveyard for ya, loser."

"I will dork." I answer. I crawl back to my bunk, hoping to collect some of the energy I lost.

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