Chapter 16

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Chapter 17

Chapter's Song: Oh, Calamity! By All Time Low (I like this song so, yeah.)

Amari, you still have time to tuck and roll...

I thought to myself as I saw Luke. As soon as we stopped the car, I got out of the car and ran to the backyard, which I've basically made my special spot, I quickly climb up the tree, getting quite high. Luke followed like last time. But this time, no one here to stop him from climbing up the tree. He climbed to the branch across from me.

"Why are you acting like we're strangers?" He asks. I just act like my shoes are the most interesting thing in the world. He just groans, irritated that I'm not responding.


"My name is Amari."

"Amari, you need to understand that I'm really trying for us, I love you, I love you so much and I won't give up until you're mine again." He says."

"I was never yours in the first place Luke. I was just this fling. Don't you see Luke? I tried to make us work Luke but you never understood that I'm only getting hurt. I've been induced into an unhealthy amount of pain these past years; the only way for me to heal is to move on past you." I explain.

"Then tell me I don't matter, tell me you still don't love me. Look me in the eye and tell me Amari." I look into his blue eyes.

"I can't; because if I tell you that, I'd be lying." I say, a few tears running down my face.

"Aw, Ari, don't cry." He says, bringing his hands up to my face to wipe the tears away with his thumbs.

"I can't help it, I love you Luke, I really do but, I'm not going to be good for you. I'll mess up you're friendships, with that I'll mess up your band, then you'll blame me for it all and leave Luke." I tell him.

"Even if that did happen, I would still love with you, the only people I'd be mad at in that situation would be the guys, and if I'm kicked out of the band, I'll have a solo career." He says laughing.

"No. I'm just going to fall back into you're trap." I say, climbing down the tree and entering the house, going up the stairs to my room, sitting on my bed.

Why can't he just understand that I'm too broken to go back to him?

The light shed on us is too dim!

He doesn't realize I'm not like a Sim.

My emotions cannot be controlled by a simple cheat.

I can't take the heat.

I better take a seat.

"Oh, calamity
Come back to me"

I think you get why I chose the song now. Stay kittens!


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