Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Chapter Song: Alleyways by The Neighbourhood

I sit in my room, just looking out the window, twisting the ring on my finger, smiling widely. I had bought a flat out here in Sydney so I'd be closer to Luke, plus I liked it here, it was relaxing, somewhere I could do about anything in. It never got cold so I wouldn't have to spend much money on clothing since I didn't need anything to keep me warm. All I needed were a few sweaters and sweatshirts. I had gotten used to the Australian weather so I can wear skinny jeans without dying in the hot air.

I look at the ring, the ring was simple. It was silver, which I liked, I didn't really like gold, I liked silver because it was much more classy and it didn't clash with everything. It had a normal sized diamond on it, with diamonds around it. It wasn't anything to flashy, and whilst examining it, I found an engravement on the inside.


I smiled at that because there was an infinity sign, and infinity means it goes on forever. It was just, amazing that he loves me so much. Though Luke and I have been engaged for about six months, we were starting over, the guys accepted me for who I was and were really sweet to me. They didn't treat me like shit or like a china doll, they treated me like everyone else which was really sweet. Luke and I would go on dates and such, go to family things together, we just stayed together like glue. Luke and I really didn't talk much about the wedding, we're just gonna wait until we want to get married.  Hell, Luke and I haven't even made it to our twenty's yet!

But, some people don't believe in young love, they don't believe that you can meet someone in your younger years and know that your going to love them for the rest of your life, but somehow, I kind of knew that Luke and I were going to end up together in the end; somehow I did. Somehow I knew Luke was the one for me, it wasn't all just a lie.

Luke was mine, as I was his.

I loved Luke like one loves their family. Except, I do romantic things with Luke, and not my family...

You can't stop loving your family even after they do something scarring, that's how I felt with Luke. Luke was this guy who screwed up majorly, but, I couldn't stop loving him, even if I pushed him away.


Love is something you need, you need someone you can grow old with, someone to make you feel like your this precious jewel, you need somebody to call you theirs.

Everyone is scared of love, everyone is scared of heartbreak, and someone breaking them, the thing is, you'll experience that in your life, even with the one you're spending the rest of your life with, because that just happens in love. You argue, you fight, you get hurt, but that person loves you, so they save you from that little pit of despair, they dig you out so you can be happy again.

You'll never have an easy love, love is hard, you've got to work for it, you've got to fight for it all.

You'll never get over your first love, and sometimes it's hard, you see, Luke and I fought for each other, fought for our love, you know why?

Cause we were each others first loves.

Sometimes they're the hardest to let go.

I love Luke, with every ounce of my being, and I couldn't just let him go quite yet, and he couldn't do the same for me.

To me, Luke was the one, the one who made me myself, the one who would laugh at me if I hurt myself, but still help me up and make it all better. He was the one who would come chasing after me when I was sad. He was the one who would go to jail for beating up a guy who tried to feel me up.

Luke Hemmings was my Augustus Waters x

He was at the line of perfection for me and could make me cry in a blink of the eye, but make me smile in the same amount of time.

He was an angel underneath his skin, he was mine, and no one elses.

He was my one and only.

He was my happy ending.


I am so sorry if you're crying right now, so am I, you are defiantly not alone at all, I am bawling my eyes out.

Things just got too emotional.

But I hoped you like this, it was just an insight of Amari's whole opinion of everything. It basically time lapsed six months by the way.

Oh yeah well, I chose Alleyways cause... I don't even know right now.

I chose it cause it gave me this idea for the chapter.

Thanks for 1.3k every read means loads to me!

I love you awkward penguins much more than anything else,

Brooke Lacey Burkholder

That is my first, middle, and last name.

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