Chapter 11 Part one

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  • Dedicated to All the awkward penguins

It is 9:32 and I am now just starting this chapter. MY APOLOGIES FOR BEING LAZY AS FUUUUUCK.

Correction, I skyped my friend for 2 hours and its now 12:38 am.

Status: edited


I was sitting on my bed, stressing out. Luke would be here any minute to pick me up for our date. I mean, I should be a nervous wreck, I potentially love this boy still and he's taking me on a freaking date.

When I hear a knock on the door, my heart skips a beat. I get up from the bed, walking to the door and answering it. Luke was on the other side of the door, he was wearing a button up and a blazer, with black skinny jeans, and with his all black vans.

"You look beautiful." He says, handing me a single white rose. (i <3 white roses)

"Well you look nice as well." I respond, looking at my feet.

"Shall we?" He asks.

"Yes we shall." I say, hooking my arm with his. When we go down the hallway, I see a girl with Calum. Oh, my, god.

"Go get some Calum!" Luke yelled. The girl pulled away to glare at us when she recognized me.

It. Was. Gloria.

"Gloria!" I yell. She and I were best friends in the seventh grade.

"Amari!" She yells back and we hug.

"You two know each other?" Calum asks.

"Yeah, we were really close in seventh grade." I say, smiling.

"C'mon Ari, let's go on our date." Luke says.

"I hate that nickname Luke, you know that." I say.

"That's why I call you that, now wrap it up." He says.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later Gloria, use protection." I say walking over to Luke.

We get into his Range Rover, Luke starting it, and driving down the road. I knew we were heading towards the woods cause well, I live here.

"Why are we heading towards the woods?" I ask.

"You'll find out babe." My heart jumped a bit when he called me babe.

When we made it to the woods, I took off my heels, leaving them in the car. We walked hand in hand into the woods. Luke led the way while I died on the inside in fear. I hate the fucking woods.

We made it to a little picnic and I died a bit. Luke sat down, me sitting next to him. He pulled out sandwiches, chocolate covered strawberries, sparkling cider, and Recces Penutbutter Cups.

"This is wonderful Luke." I say, smiling.

"Thanks I for once put an effort into it." His arm brushed against mine making me shiver.

"Are you cold?" He asks. To not let him know I shivered underneath his touch, I nodded. He took of his blazer, giving it to me. I then noticed the belt loops on his pants.

"Oh my god your wearing skinny jeans aren't you?" I chuckle, sliding on the blazer.

"Yup." He says, popping the p. We eat in silence. When we finished, Luke broke the silence.

"I forgot how sexy you looked in my clothes." He said, running his hand down my thigh, causing goosebumps to form.

"I love how I have this effect on you. You know, you should wear this dress more often, I love these legs of yours." He says. He then begun to kiss my neck, going straight to my sweet spot, sucking there until he knew for sure there was going to be a purple mark there tomorrow. He inched his face towards mine, kissing my nose. He then looked down at my lips. He connected our lips, me kissing back. He leaned me down so I was flat on the ground, deepening the kiss. He rubbed my thighs, making me moan. He licked my bottom lip for entrance but I denied. He tried a few more times, me denying before he flipped us over, me on top. I could feel his hard on since his jeans are so freaking tight and I was only wearing panties and a bra underneath this dress. He put his hands on my hips, moving me so I was grinding on him. I gasped, him shoving his tounge into my mouth. I went to unbutton his shirt when he broke the kiss.

"I'm not having sex with you in the woods, or the car. But I will have sex with you in your hotel room." I bite my bottom lip, getting off of him and waiting for him to grab everything. When he was done I followed him back to the car, getting in the front seat.


Okay so I'm gonna do a part two for this later.


I gave the postion to my friend Gloria. She is awesome.

Okay, see you in a few peguins,

Brooke xx.

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