Chapter 20

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I pull away from our kiss and smile, moving a piece of hair out of his face. "I thought I'd lost you for a second." I feel another tear roll down my cheek. Happiness took over my entire body and I smiled wider.

"No." He replied. "I'm not going anywhere." He smiled back at me and tried sitting up. I quick try and help him in a way that didn't hurt him. Which was fairly difficult since he was practically thrown against the wall.

"Hey Hannah..." I heard Kat gasp from behind me. "Brendon?!" She rushed over to us. "You're okay!"

"Yeah, more or less." He winced in pain as he leaned his back against the wall. I didn't notice how badly he was bleeding until now. He had a giant shard of glass sticking out of his side and leg. I worriedly look around to see where all this glass came from. I noticed a giant broken picture frame and glass vase on the floor, shattered.

"Brendon, we need to get you some medical attention." I say looking over at him. "Kat, call an ambulance."

"On it." She disappears back in the dining hall.

"Hannah, I'm sure I'll be fine." He says, attempting to pull out the piece of glass in his leg. I hear him trying to hide his whimpering from the pain. "Some bandages, and I'll be fine."

"Brendon, I'm sorry okay? I know you hate hospitals just as much as I do, but this is serious." I take his hand and hold it in mine. "Please believe me."

Brendon looked at me with sad eyes. Eyes that declared defeat. "Alright fine." He sighed. "But this is the last time I want to be going to the hospital for something for awhile."

I chuckled at his comment. But I couldn't agree more. Hospitals were my worst nightmare. Well next to... you know. I don't know how people could stand working there hours on end. To help people, yes I get it.

"On their way." Kat runs back in. She crouched by us again holding a cloth in her hand. "Here Brendon, this is for you." She folded the cloth and rested it on his forehead. "What do you want to do about the people in there?" She turned her attention back to me. I honestly hadn't thought that far ahead. What were we going to do about everybody else? We could send them home a little early? Or reschedule the reception dinner? I honestly don't know.

"Just um...Just keep it going until everybody has to leave. I don't want to spoil their fun." I reply. That second, I heard a siren of in the distance. I could tell Brendon heard it to. His eyes shot open and looked at me with a 'Do I really have to go?' look. About a minute later, paramedics rushed in and scooped Brendon up and onto a gurney. They carried him out to the ambulance. I quickly followed and jumped into the back with him, before anyone could open their mouths.


"Hannah Ross?" I looked up to see a nurse looking over at me.

"Urie." I stood up from one of the waiting room chairs. "Hannah Urie."

"Sorry. My mistake." I could sense a slight snottiness in her tone as she fake smiled at me. "Right this way." I followed her through the endless halls until we finally reached Brendon's room. Which all in all, was only a minute and a half walk. "The doctor will be in shortly. He wanted to speak with you." She quickly turned on her heels and walked away. I rolled my eyes before slowly entering the room. I was careful not to disturb Brendon if he was sleeping.

"I was wondering when you'd arrive." His voice rang in my ears. I couldn't help but smile. I made my way over to his side, pulling a chair next to the hospital bed. As I got closer, I then realized how many tiny cuts were on his face and arms. It just looked painful.

"The nurse had just called me from the waiting room." I said grabbing his hand and holing it in mine. "So how are you feeling?"

"A little sore. But all in all, not too bad." He smiled. There was then a quiet knock on the door and the doctor entered the room.

"Hey guys." He said. We both smiled at him. "So I kind of wanted to tell the both of you this at the same time. You young man, are quite lucky." I started to worry about what could have happened to him. "If the shard of glass in your side went any deeper, it would have surely pierced one of your lungs. But not to worry. It wasn't all too serious of an injury if you think about it. We got it out safely and the wound has already started healing itself. As for the one on your leg, it didn't go in too deep. I advise to not do anything too strenuous in the next few days."

I was relieved to hear that Brendon would be okay. How horrible would it be if Brendon had died on our wedding night? Hannah, stop thinking about that.

"Good thing I planned our honeymoon next week." Brendon laughed.

"It's a very good thing." The doctor laughed as well. "I feel bad for that dress though." The doctor motioned towards my dress. I look down at it for the first time and realize it was stained with Brendon blood and had rips in it from what I assume was the glass.

"I'd rather the dress be ruined than my husband." I squeeze Brendons hand slightly. The doctor just smiled at us and left the room.

He then peeked his head back in. "I forgot to mention, that you are able to leave in a few hours. I'll get a nurse later to tell you when it's time." He then leaves the room once more, leaving Brendon and I in silence.

I rest my head on Brendons chest, happy that he was still alive. I could feel him leaning over me as he kissed my head and fell back onto the bed.


"Hannah." I was shaken awake. I open my eyes and sit up to find Ryan and Kat in the room. "You guys can leave now." I glance over at Brendon who is slowly stepping out of the bed.

"We brought you guys some clothes to change into." Kat handed me a plastic bag. "We'll wait outside." She said as both her and Ryan left the room.

"Here." I handed Brendon his clothes. He gladly took them, stepping out of the hospital gown. I reached behind my back to try to get at the zipper for my dress. To tell you the truth. I was getting pretty frustrated. I wasn't able to reach it.

"Let me help you." Brendon said walking over to me, fully dressed. Damn that was fast. He pulled down the zipper and helped me out of my, now ruined, dress.

"Thanks." I reply and change into the purple tank top and skinny jeans that Kat brought for me. We walked out of the room and into the bright hallway. Kat held out her arms holding a pair of converse for both Brendon and I.

"Thought you guys would like to put these on instead of the fancy shoes." We both laughed and put on the converse. It was so much more comfortable than the heels I was wearing.

"Remind me to never wear these fucking things again." I tell Brendon, referring to the heels.

"Will do." He replied.

When we got to the car, Ryan helped Brendon get into the backseat as Kat got into the passenger side. I put the dress and heels into the trunk before getting in next to Brendon.

"Ready to go home?" Ryan asks, driving off.

"Hell yes." Brendon says.

***I just realized....They go to the hospital a lot in this story... xD***

*EDITING* Twisted Allegories {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now