Chapter 11

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"Happy now?" I ask Genevieve, now that the movie was over. I swear ZombieLand is her favorite movie. She shushes you when you yawn. And she stares ever so intently at the screen until you pause it. If you're not quiet, she'll glare at you every time you even make a peep.

"Yes." She then did this turn around on the couch and bent her back until her head was on the floor. We all started laughing until we heard a cracking noise and Eve popped right back up like nothing happened.

"You alright there?" Brendon asks.

"Yeah. Just the way I was sitting hurt my back. So I thought I'd crack it. I've had back problems for a while." She replied.

"Ugh. You're old." Brendon says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She crosses her arms and furrows her eyebrows. It was really cute actually.

"You only get back problems when you're old. So you're old." He says standing up.

"Says the one who's like seven years older than I am." She replied.

Brendon put his index finger to his lips and made a "Shh" sound before walking into the kitchen. Genevieve wore a confused expression on her face and looked around in astonishment. Like she had no comment that would match up to Brendons. And in many ways, happens to everybody.

"Hannah?" Brendon calls from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" I turn my head around to see him holding out the phone to me. Who would this be? "I didn't even hear it ring." I grab the phone from him and bring it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hannah Bear, you should so let me plan your wedding." Kat's excitedly sweet voice echoed through the phone.

"We don't even know when it's going to be yet. Or what we want." I reply. As I say this I notice Spencer rise from his seat and slowly but quietly say goodbye, before exiting the house.

"Oh I know what you want, sweetie."

"Really?" I raise an eyebrow. Though see couldn't see me, I knew that she knew I was doing it. "Do ya now?"

"Yup." She replied popping the 'p'. "You want it outdoors, with a rock DJ. And white roses with red tips. And last but not least, a black wedding dress."

I start laughing to myself. When Kat and I were about five years old, we wrote letters to each other of what we wanted our weddings to be like. And being the best friends that we are, we made a pact that that's what was going to happen. And I wanted a black wedding dress because I hated the color white at the time. Don't ask why, I just did. Probably due to the fact that every girl wants her big beautiful dream wedding with big flashy white wedding dresses. So I wanted it to be different. And you can never go wrong with black right?

"Kat, I told you that about twenty years ago." I say, putting a lot of emphasis on the 'twenty'.


"So...that was my five year old fantasy. What if I don't want that anymore?" The truth was, now that she reminded me, that was actually what I had wanted. But I don't want to take full control over the plans and leave Brendon out.

"I don't care. Honey, its gonna happen. You and I both know this. I have to go, I'll talk to you later, alright?" She then hung up the phone.

"What was that about?" Brendon asks, plopping himself next to me on the couch.

"Kat wants to be our wedding planner." I say snuggling into him.

"I just proposed! What does she expect? A wedding the very next day?"

"Apparently so. But I wanna wait awhile, before we do anything though. If that's alright with you." I ask turning my head towards him.

"I was actually thinking the same thing." He replies.

"Good. It'll be worth the wait."

***Sorry about the slow updates. I have a lot going on right now with band, and its stressing me out. But I hope you enjoy, and just to let you guys know, something big is planned for the wedding. I'm not going to do that whole thing just yet. I'm going to wait for a few more chapters to be published before I even start the whole wedding process...but just wanted to let you guys know. :)***

*EDITING* Twisted Allegories {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now