"That's 'cause Susan knows I would've burned that at the stake," Chris joked.

"You're just upset 'cause you know Jack is going to be on Team Iron Man," Robert smirked.

"Over my dead body, Stark," Chris quipped, laughing when Robert did; Denise rolled her eyes. "Seriously. Thanks for coming, man." Chris rose to his feet and took the bear Robert held out, then shared a hug with him. "We really appreciate it." Denise nodded, smiling at Robert. "Jack's in the nursery at the moment, you can meet him in a bit."

Chris sat back down after pulling a chair over for Robert. "We're all so happy for the both of you," Robert said as he sat down, "this is amazing. You're a dad," he slapped Chris' shoulder with a wide grin, which Chris mirrored, chuckling. "Finally, man. You must be ecstatic. This is what you've been waiting for, right?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "I just- I'm nervous," he admitted then turned to Denise, the corner of his mouth quirked to showcase one of his adorable half-smiles. He had hoped to keep that little fact from her, but he could tell from the look on her face she already knew. "I've been trying to play it cool, but-" he turned back to Robert. "I am nervous about being a father, it's going to be a whole new ballgame. I mean the concept of being responsible for another human being- it's terrifying," he said and Robert chuckled. "You're a dad of many, have you got any advice for me?"

"Just be yourself," Robert replied with a shrug. "Don't try to be the perfect parent because they don't exist. Just be yourself," he repeated in a more assertive tone. "Don't be afraid to make mistakes because that's how you learn. Every kid is different, there is no handbook. The main idea is to love them and raise them to make good choices and be decent human beings. It's just- it's something you just gotta work at it. It's a lot of try and try again, and taking each day as it comes. You have to believe that things will work out in the end, and it will, trust me."

"That's the best you got?" Chris laughed.

"What do you want me to say, Evans?" Robert quizzed, smiling. "Parenthood- it's both the easiest and the toughest job on the planet. I can't tell you how to be a dad to Jack, that's something you've got to work out on your own." Robert told him and Chris managed a small smile, reaching for Denise's hand because she always provided him comfort. "Just relax, Dorito. You're made for this. And come on, that kid is equal parts you and Denise," Robert smiled at her and she smiled back, "whatever the two of you do or don't do, he's going to turn out great anyway."

"Thank you, that is so sweet," she cooed, pouting as her eyes welled with tears.

"Just stating facts here," Robert smiled, reaching for their joined hands to give it a light pat.

Chris drew his hand back and turned to the door when he heard his mom's voice. He smiled when he realized the grandparents had returned with Jack, Tina wheeling him in his little baby cot. "Look who's here," he glanced at Denise and tapped Robert's arm. Denise smiled, feeling a spark of excitement that ignited a want to hold her little boy. "Is everything okay with him?" He asked Tina as he walked over and carefully lifted Jack from his cot. "Hi, buddy." He smiled and cradled his son in his arms. "Hi," he cooed as he walked him over to Robert.

"Everything's perfect, the two of you should be able to go home tomorrow morning." Tina answered Chris, then looked over and smiled at Denise. "I'm proud of you, baby," she mouthed and Denise wiped the tears from her eyes, smiling. "Hey Robert, it's nice of you to join the party."

"I had to meet the next Captain America," Robert gently rubbed Jack's belly with the pads of his fingers, smiling. "Little one, you have no idea how long your dad has waited for you." He told Jack as Chris passed him over. "He's beautiful, you two." He smiled at both Chris and Denise before turning back to Jack. "You are going to be so loved by your mom and dad, and all your aunties and uncles at Marvel. So loved," he asserted, pressing a gentle kiss on Jack's forehead.

Chris rejoined Denise's side, sitting on the edge of her bed this time. He wrapped an arm around her as she leaned into him, watching Robert interact with Jack. Jack: their son. It still blew her mind that she and Chris were parents now. Even with her son in the world, she was still not ready for parenthood. Unlike her husband, who she knew would only need a few days to get into the swing of things. Chris was good at a lot of things, he was a natural with kids. She wasn't ashamed to admit she wasn't, but she was worried that she wasn't.

She was a mother now, it wasn't just about getting the nieces and nephews to like her- it was about taking care of her baby boy and giving him the life and love he deserved. She didn't want to fail that sweet creature, she couldn't. And the thought that she would surfaced when he started to cry. Her heart both ached and started to beat rapidly against her chest. Her son was crying and Robert was bringing him over to her. A mess of thoughts and emotions ran through her brain. She questioned her ability to soothe her child even before she had the opportunity to try. She was terrified, she feared she'd be labeled as a bad mother if her son did not stop crying at her touch. The closer Robert got, the faster her heart thumped against her chest.

"I think he wants his mom," Robert told Denise, transferring Jack into her arms. Chris helped as she took him, her eyes slightly narrowed with stress and anxiety. The second Jack nestled himself in her comfort, he stopped crying. Denise's heart skipped a beat and she looked at Chris with a great sense of pride and achievement. "And you said you weren't a natural," Robert teased.

Denise's facials softened and she released a breathless chuckle, smiling at Chris before turning to look back down at her son. Chris kissed the side of her head and whispered into her ear before he drew back, "looks like Jack's going to be just like his daddy, a big ol' mama's boy."

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