John's Past (BONUS)

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Faunas: Watch your step.

John: Alright.

Billy: Creator, doesn't this seem fishy.

John: I'm a mercenary Its my job to get hired by fishy people and do the work they do not want. Now, this is the person we are to meet.

????: John, I presume.

John: And you are?

Salem: Salem.

John: Huh?

Salem: I'm your client.

John: Oh, Alright what you need me to do.

Salem: Straight to the point I like that

John: Just tell me the job lady.

Salem: I need you to acquire a specific ancient artifact.

John: Where can I find it.

Salem: In the Atlas mountains, Lies a dust crystal. That crystal is a artifact created by the original dustmancers.

John: Alright, I need an image on how it looks and where is location.

Salem: That's the problem, we don't know what it looks like. But the crystal will resonate with any nearby dustmancer. So I like you to meet Cinder fall.

John does not look amused.

John: This girl will help me find an ancient artifact. Do you doubt my skill.

Cinder: Such insolence.

Cinder formed a dust sword and threw it at John, cutting his head clean off.

Salem: *sigh*

 A white light envelopes John's body resurrecting him.

John: Your'e going to pay extra.

Salem: Fine.

Cinder: What how?

John: Oh, My semblance is Resurrection

Cinder: Oh.

John: Salem control your henchmen.

Salem: Alright John. Also Cinder control yourself.

Cinder: Yes my mistress.

John: Alright, Now to discuss with you 1 on 1.

Salem: Very well. Cinder, tyrian please leave.

Cinder: Yes my mistress.

Tyrian: Yes, lady salem.

They both exited the room.

John: So, Salem what are you going to do the crystal.

Salem: Nothing I'm just a collector.

John: Bullshit, What do you really need it for.

Salem: If I told you I'd have to kill you.

John: Try me, Salem queen of darkness, Master of the grimm.

Salem: Heh, now how did you find that out. Ozpin I presume.

John: No, I have alot of free time, I spent most of my time reading books. And I came upon some ancient Text.

Salem: I see... Die.

Black smoke fills the room, as multiple Beowolves. appear.

Salem: Cinder was right you are far too insolent and arrogant.

John: That comes with Immortality, Also I can not die.

Salem: Lets test that, shall we.

2 Hours Later

Let's Play A Game (A RWBY Cheater story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang