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Don't ignore this Authors Note!
This will be the only authors note unless something important comes up so please bare with me!


Welcome to another Saiki x Reader book! I'm always too lazy to write Y/N L/N or H/L, so I made a name!

Obviously you can change it if you want, I can't sue you or anything.

       NUMBER 2:

Before reading this fiction, this is for Mature audiences only!!

This fiction may contain:

•Self Harm
•Sexual Content
•Strong Language

So please be aware of that!! I will make tiny warnings about it for you if you want to skip and/or know!

         NUMBER 3:

I don't own SAIKI K!

         NUMBER 4:

Saiki thoughts!🔽

'Yo Im Saiki' -(Don't ask)

Your Thoughts! 🔽

'It's me thoughts'

Random others! 🔽

'I'm a random other'

When Saiki talks to other characters!

"I'm Saiki I'm the coolest"

      NUMBER 5:

Please tell me if you get confused by my writing style during this and I'll try to improve it!!

Please comment: Wtf what kind of writer are you you suck

And I'll try to improve!!

And now without further or do-


Your true author;


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