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(Angelica POV)

Three days later, we're in battle. I'm at the sidelines, pacing around at camp, trying to deal with the grooling sights of dying soldiers. The blood vanishes all coloring. You can't tell where you've been taken from if your skin is all shades of purple, blue, and red.

Anxiety fills me constantly. I still haven't told John. Where is John? I worry each day that one day, he's going to be in the dead bodies.

But among all the blood, would I even be able to tell?

That night, I was in the tent, waiting. It was midnight. John usually returned by then. My heart is racing, my feet are pacing. Where is he? i feel unhinged. The baby in my belly clicks and flails. Where is their father?

At one AM, a soldier comes in. He's about my age, rather attractive, and stained with mud, but luckily, no blood.

I smile at him. "When will Laurie be here?"

He looks at his feet. "Laurie is dying. Come quickly, but be careful." He looks at me, his brown eyes bouncing with moonlight. "He's in the woods, and enemy soldiers may be afoot. I'll lead you."

He turns and sprints off. I follow.

Should've Been Mine (Laurens x Angelica) {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now