Reader Appreciation Post

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Hi, you lovely human beings. 

It's been a while since I wrote this story. It was a little bit out of obsession, a little bit out of spite, and a lot out of love. Love of this gorgeous couple that are just how all couples should be (kindness wise), love of what we don't know in history. I also wrote this because it was fun. I don't know if I've ever enjoyed writing something more.

I also know this is the first story I've ever written there's been so much love for. I never expected it. It's absolutely shocking to me. Every comment, every reading list, makes me smile. I try to respond as much as I can. I can't believe it, guys!

I don't know how I can ever appreciate you guys enough. If you ever draw fanart or make a cover for this story, PLEASE tag me. I'd love to see it. (wow, it feels so weird to be saying that. Guys, I'm literally a nobody).

Anyway, if you all ever have any requests for future fanfics, please comment! I still love writing more than anything.

 There are some ships I adore almost as much as Laurengelica. I have a Fierrochase fanfic AND a Bluesey fanfic running. Both of which are fluffy ships a bit similar. If you haven't read the cannon (Magnus Chase and The Raven Cycle, respectively) I highly recommend it. They're both books that make me so happy. 

Anyway, guys, just a little shout out to you all. Also, fun question: what songs remind you of Laurengelica? Or just what songs do you guys like in general? 

(I use guys as a gender-neutral term. I hope that's alright. Let me know if I've said anything offensive. I never mean to; I would hate to.)

Should've Been Mine (Laurens x Angelica) {COMPLETE}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt