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(Angelica POV)

Over these years after my love left me, i've had many more attempts at the old magic. First it was that soldier, then it was Aaron Burr, Alexander, John Church, Thomas Jefferson-- even Lafayette. I wanted love again.

It's not that those men didn't have it. I just missed my Laurie, my dearest, my dead.

I try to make us a legacy. I work to end slavery and injustice, I try to make the world better so nobody has to go through life like this.

I try to concentrate on life. I raise our child, Alexandra, to be everything Laurens would've ever wanted: happy and generous and uniquley herself. I help Eliza through everything. I watch as Peggy dies in front me. I watch as everyone but Eliza dies.

Eliza's at my side right now.

My life is fading now, the lights are gone from my eyes. I hear a feint call from the stars. 


I look up. A freckled hand grabs mine, a kiss is on my lips, and I'm gone. I can't believing i'm seeing again. 

It was only a matter of time.


Should've Been Mine (Laurens x Angelica) {COMPLETE}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum