Home Sweet... NO

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(John Laurens POV) 


For most people, home is sweet and wonderful and fun. It's the place of golden childhood memories, of a first kiss, of your first everything! 

I've never had that.

For me, coming home is darkness and fear. For me, this plantation is a living nightmare of slaps and scars and warnings.

Angelica grabbed my hand when she saw a tear drip down my face.

"You're crying," she said.

"Yes." I responded.

"Oh," she responds and we walk to the large white house my father lives in.

He opened the door. He's old, wobbling, with a gruff smile on his face.

"John?" he asks. He looks to Angelica and then to me. 

"Yes, I'm here to take my inheritance." I respond, my breath coming out in pants.

"Get them and be gone," that's all my father says. He closes the door.

Should've Been Mine (Laurens x Angelica) {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now