OMG Peggy Answer Me

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"You can't be serious," I said, turning to Peggy with a panicked expression. This is why I hated little sisters.

"If you wanna get him, you NEED to let him know you like-y like-y," Peggy answered back calmly. She did a little twirl and sunk dramatically onto her bed. 

"Oh shut it," I said, my face burning red. "So he said he 'kinda does'? When did he fill this form out? DID HE SEEM NERVOUS? Is He EvEr GoInG To TaLk To Me AgAin? P E G G Y, H E L P!" 

"You are panicking. Calm it, big sis. You are going to be fine," Peggy said, smiling at me and grabbing my hand from across the hallway between her and Eliza's bed.

"I don't even like him that much!" I objected.

She chuckled and put her hands on my shoulders. "Sweetie yes you do. And if you can't admit the basic fact, that isn't good."

I pushed her hands off of me as nicely as possible and started pacing around. I was in a white nightgown, so if I died right now, I would look like a perfect little ghost.

"There are no good reasons that I should like him." I began hastily. "He's basically in love with Hamilton, he could die any day at war, he called me 'love' in a stupid Southern accent, he has way too many freckles, and his eyes are a nice green color, which isn't my type. And his dad is a jerk, I don't wanna marry into that family, no matter how much it would please Father. I don't want to marry into any family, for goodness sake. Why someone like John-- I mean, Mr. Laurens, might be loving and let me do what I want, I don't wanna lose myself and definitely not if he's going to march off any day for war, even if he has intelligent political views," I ranted.

"OMG you love him." Peggy jumped in the air. "As my duty as a little sister, I have to make this happen." She put her hand on her heart dramatically, saluted me, and ran off.

As soon as she was gone, I collapsed onto the bed in tears. Was it that obvious I liked him? Oh stupid me, I was only supposed to like him as a friend. But I still only do... right?

A//N: Look you got a chapter pretty quickly! I'm totally not doing this so I can get a thousand reads and put it on my story in case my crush views it. 

Should've Been Mine (Laurens x Angelica) {COMPLETE}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora