For Jewel...!

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Hey guys! Jujugalax here and welcome to the next part of randomnes.

Today I have something special for my best friend, Jewel_Conny_5601, what I have been done so far during my own busy days.

I have so much things to tell you, Jewel.

Okay first off, Jewel, I've been busy writing a story named,

~"Fighter's Glory: Rise and Fall"~👑💙

It's Junja's Journal's side story.

I have started it already at prologue chapter 1.5.

This is the plotting description down here👇:

It was about Junja, who raised three children of an assassin along with her child.

Before she was crowned to be the queen,

she goes to Zenyan Kingdom to build a very first school called Alcheim Academy.

And became the Headmaster of Alcheim. Now, the original name of the school was supposed to be

24-BLUE agency and school.

But it's because that realm is ancient and no one knows of the "advanced" technology we have in the Reality Realm (our real world), I have to change it.

Next off, I was busy (kinda!) doing some Biology and English project.

But, due to my class have a lack of confidence, and some of their script have dramatical errors, we postponed it after school holidays.

(To my classmates, don't tell the others I'm saying this please?)

Then, as soon as your brother update about your problems, I decided to make a short comic as a surprise for you!

But I'm not so sure if you like it or not. And I was nervous to show you the surprise after this chap. You like that?

Hope you understand my struggles as well. It actually shows that I'm also struggling too.

Everyone struggles too.

Lastly, I'm gonna make a challenge for those who are great or cool at drawing.



I have done mine and I actually cried inside my head that my non-dominant hand is still terrible, even though I tried my hardest there...😢

Syammash: Then, the last thing is, Author wants a redraw from random people that she tagged.

Author: Well, I don't think I need that from now.

Because, I dunno if they want to accept the challenge.


OH WAIT! I KNOW! If those people don't do the left hand challenge...

they must write a short story in 2000+ words long.

Hahahahahaha... I'm evil...

The left hand challenge, here's mine. And don't even think of laughing at it.

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