"You never answered my first question. How did you hide your vampirism from him?"

"Like I said, in plain sight," I muttered. "I told him right off the bat that I was allergic to sunlight and that I had extreme health issues but it didn't faze him. For the first six and half years of our relationship we lived in different homes and both had jobs so we really only got to spend time together on the weekends. That left all week for me to find blood donors."

"And when you lived in the same home?"

"I was honest about literally everything so he trusted me," I said simply. "We lived on different schedules. I slept during the day and woke up around seven in the evening after he'd already worked and eaten dinner, and then I spent the rest of the evening with him doing things like watching movies together, playing video games together, or... well, you know..."

When I trailed off, I could have sworn I heard a soft growl come from across the room.

I swallowed again.

"And your fangs?" he demanded. "If you were intimate with him for that long, he must have noticed them since they are literally impossible to hide."

"Cosmetic surgical implants," I said promptly. "Whenever someone notices my fangs, I tell them I had cosmetic work done to make me look like a vampire. He honestly thought it was hot. Never realized my fangs were the real deal until... the end."

"So, you lied."

"Only about that one thing, and my age. Those two issues aside, I never needed to hide my vampirism," I continued. "He knew I loved going on long walks and looking up at the stars because we did stuff like that together all the time in the beginning. Even in our later years we still did it when there was time so he never really questioned what I was doing when I decided to go out for my nighttime strolls. I was faithful, and devoted, and I truly loved him with a one-track mind, and he knew all of that, too, which is why he trusted me."

"So," Sebastian said in a guttural tone, "how did he find out? Did he catch you taking blood?"

"No, it was the passage of time that did it," I muttered, sagging into his mattress; I turned my head, strands of blonde hair falling across my nose. "He found out the same way my sister did. Every day he grew a little older, looked a little grayer, until he'd left his youth behind. Me? I don't age. I was turned into a vampire when I was a teen and my body can't move forward."

A heavy silence filled the air so I let out a sigh through my nose. 

I didn't want to talk about this. It brought back too many feelings that had no outlet.

"Is he the one who gave you the scars on your hands and back?"

I instinctively clenched my palms even though he couldn't see them under the blanket. The memory of him coming at me with the knife, trying to protect my face, the acidic sting of the gashes across my palms, and then being stabbed not once but twice when I'd tried to run...

I shuddered and curled up a little more.

"Yes," I rasped. "He attacked me with a knife. I didn't get away in time."

Again, silence.

Why is he asking me all this? I wondered again. Is he trying to get to know me better?

"Why do you feel safe with me, then?" he growled, and I glanced at him to see his eyes were narrowed, but not in a threatening way; it was as if he were puzzling something through. "I've attacked you, hurt you, beat you, and even threatened your life on multiple occasions."

"What?" I asked, genuinely confused. "What do you mean, feel safe?"

"Last night, just before you fell asleep," Sebastian said, fiery eyes fixed on mine, "you said that you feel safe with me. Even drunkards aren't that stupid so there has to be a reason and I want to know what it is. Tell me, what is it about me that makes you feel safe?"

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