"If I asked you to dance with me, would you do it even if you didn't want to?" Jungkook whispered.

Taehyung opened his eyes all the way to look at Jungkook.


Jungkook sighed.

"It's nothing."

Taehyung sat up.

"No, really Jungkookie, what was the question?"

"I asked if you would dance with me when I asked you to even if you didn't want to."

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows at the strange question.

"I would always want to dance with you Jungkook. If I didn't then there would be some other reason; not just 'I didn't want to'."

Jungkook nodded, playing with Taehyung's fingers as they both sat up on the bed.


"Why do you ask?"

Jungkook shrugged.

"I dunno, some weird dream I had. It's all kinda fuzzy now, though. It was nothing."

Taehyung frowned to himself. He knew almost all dreams had hidden meanings, insightful warnings. But he knew that telling this to Jungkook would only upset him, so he kept it to himself.


Downstairs, the members were gathered in the TV room, the news channel lighting up the screen. All of them stared at it with grim looks on their faces.

"What?" Jungkook asked uncertainly.

Hoseok just pointed at the screen, not looking up.

Taehyung sat down in the empty spot on the couch, pulling Jungkook to sit in his lap. They watched the screen, tensing up as they caught on to the topic. The apocalypse was expanding spreading, the base had expanded. The military was finding it hard to keep the disease-like loss of will from getting to more people. They were recruiting men and women from all over ages 18-37.

When the report was over, they all tuned out the TV, getting lost in their thoughts. After a moment they began to hesitantly look at each other, trying to see their reactions without making eye contact.

Finally, Taehyung spoke.

"I think we should do something."

They all let the idea sink in before Jin asked,

"Like what?"

Jungkook cleared his throat.

"We could go join the recruits."

"You're too young," Jimin pointed out.

Jungkook shrugged.

"So? I could lie."

"Everyone knows your name and age, Jungkook," Yoongi explained apologetically.

"Well, we should do something!" Jungkook insisted, his voice strained to emphasize his point.

They paused, a moment of thought adding to the tension of the room before Namjoon took over the discussion.

"Why would you want to go back and deal with it again? You already escaped once."

Taehyung looked him in the eye, an eerily calm vibe coming from him.

"Did we, though?"

Another moment of silence. More time to organize their thoughts. Tension crackling through the air.

"I'm going to go," Jungkook announced.

Taehyung took his hand and squeezed it.


"I'm going," He repeated, "Tomorrow."

Taehyung sighed, knowing nothing could stop the younger now.

"Where you go I will follow you. I will protect you as best I can."

Jungkook shot Taehyung a glance of gratitude and fondness.

"I'm going, too," Yoongi announced, "To keep them out of trouble," He added, jerking a thumb at the two maknaes.

"I'll go too," Jimin decided.

"Me too," Hoseok agreed.

"I can't let my children just leave without me! I have to go if they're all going," Jin explained, putting a hand on Namjoon's knee and looking straight at him.

In the silence that followed, Namjoon looked around, his eyes passing between each and every one of the members and finally landing on Jin's slightly worried face. He smiled a reassuring, dimpled smile, taking Jin's hand.

"You won't be getting rid of me that easily," He chuckled teasingly, "I'll tell my head staff to watch the house until further notice. We can leave tomorrow."

Jungkook smiled a big bunny smile, temporarily ignoring the weight of the decision they all just made.

"I love you guys."

"We love you too~" Hoseok cooed, walking over to Jungkook to hug him.

This prompted a big group hug, their unique and beautiful smiles mingling as they pulled each other close.

No matter what they did, they were going to do it together. They were family, and family they would stay. Bonded, molded together, part of one another, inseparable. Nothing could split them apart. Not chaos, not trauma. 

They were close, no matter how far away they seemed.

Even if it felt too far to reach each other at all.

[a/n: Hey, so I'm really sorry about how long you had to wait. You guys are so awesome and patient. I love y'all so much. <3 I feel bad that this chapter is so short but I'm too tired to write much more and I hate making you wait :(

I thought I should tell you; my plan for the continuation of this plotline might get a little science-fictiony. Are you guys ok with that? If not, I could always change it up a bit, I suppose.

Lastly, do any of you have any questions? It may or may not get a little confusing later, so I might do another question thing like in chapter 12 or somewhere around there. Tell me if you'd be interested :)] 

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