Chapter 8- Lasagna

Start from the beginning

Cameron flashes his teeth and smiles charmingly, "Maybe I could make it up with you with lunch?"

"Okay that's enough don't hit on my brothers best friend that's gross", Tyler shooed Cameron off awkward and in return I scowl at him.

"I'm sorry for assuming that you were the one to hit me with the ball and thank you for making him apologise but don't cock block me Wyatt", I'm still scowling at him and he grins shaking his head.

"I just made a guy apologise to you and all you can think about is me cock blocking you? You girls are way to easy, if that's how I get a girl to fall at my feet then I would have tried hitting a girl accidentally with a soccer ball ages ago", he jokes.

Did he just call me easy?

"I'm not easy you dick", I yell annoyed as ever.

"Now excuse me whilst I go try and find a new shirt because this ones covered in lasagna as you may have noticed", I roll my eyes grabbing my things before barging past him but he grabs my arm spinning me around and I glare at him.

"Winter it was a joke, I know you're not easy. Quite frankly that would be weird as hell considering you're like a sister to me. So I'm sorry I was just trying to get the jerk to apologise", In that very moment his brown orbs softened and my heart raced as he looked at me intensely.

Wait did he just sister zone me?

I shake my head still annoyed at it all but I force a smile, "it's fine, I appreciate what you did. Now I really do need to go and get changed".

"Can I take you to the medical room, your face is kind of bruised from the ball", he looks concerned and it's nice of him really but I shake my head.

"It's fine I'll drag Jay to help me out. Thanks again".

He nods his head, "okay".

I give him a small smile before turning around and walking towards the toilet.

I quickly took out my phone sending Jay a text.

Okay this day officially sucks. Do you have one of my spare shirts in your car, if so. Do me a favour and bring me it I'm in the girls toilets... Ive had a bit of an accident. - W

Jay replies straight away.

Emergency as in CODE RED? - J

I roll my eyes.

No. Thank god. Just bring it to me and I'll explain. - W

I'll give it to Jessica. You can tell me what happened later, you guys need to get along. - J

WTF. Nows not a good time JAY! - W

BONDING or no shirt. -J

You're officially the worst best friend but Bring on the devil reincarnate and my shirt preferably.- W

Stop being rude and give her a chance. Love you Winnie- J

I love you too but you still suck- W

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