holland boys preference #3

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anon: what pet names do you think the Holland's and haz would use


well they would all call you darling

but tom would call you princess more often
or babe
he would call you babe when he was tired or when he wanted something
"babe, just come cuddle!"

"babe, I really like this shirt. like, I really really like it."

and he would call you princess when he was praising you
"princess, you look so beautiful"

"princess, you sound so good when you scream my name."


sam would call you love a lot

or he would call you sweetie or sweetheart
he first called you sweetheart when you gave flowers to an old lady on a streetand you just immediately fell in love with it
and he would call you sweetie after you got in a fight (which was rare) he would sit ext to you, and rest his head on your shoulder, he didnt want to be too touchy with you since you did just get out of an argument
"sweetie, you know I didnt mean it. im so sorry"


harry LOVES to call you pretty girl and baby girl

in intimate, heated moments
and in soft, fluffy moments
"baby girl, you have been awake all night. please get some rest."

"baby girl, the things you do to me"

"hey pretty girl, I missed you."

"can you be quiet for me, pretty girl?"


he loves traditional ones

like baby
but they all have different times
like baby for when he is apologizing
darling for when you guys are being intimate
love for when he is being all sentimental and stuff
and love for when he misses you

imagines :)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz