harry holland blurb #5

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say you are at the dog park with Tessa
and harry naturally has his camera
and he took a photo of Tessa, and he looked at it and he saw you in the background, reading a book, looking so peacefulso he moved from the other side of the park, to get a little closer to you
he just made it look like he was taking pics of the dogs
but the focus was on you
lol see what I did there
he took all types of photos
so your dog, came up to his lens and he was just posing for the cameraand you were like "nOOO"
"im so so sorry! he doesn't really know when to stop" you explained
"cas, short for castiel."

"from supernatural?"

and from then on, you knew you would be great friends
you started talking, and he just couldnt help but smile at the way you talked
the way certain words sounded in your accent
it was beautiful
"oh, im y/n by the way."

"harry. and that is Tessa."

so after sitting there and talking for what seemed like hours, you noticed the sun started to go down and he said he had to get home
"um, if you ever wanna meet up sometime, heres my number." you gave him a pice of paper, and on the back of it was a sketch you did of him taking photos

and you wrote in your messy handwriting
I guess im not the only stalker, huh?

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