Tony stark blurb

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'hey hey, calm down. they cant hurt you anymore'

trigger warnings: a little bit of ptsd in the beginning, but the rest is fluff

memories still haunt you, you can hear the voices of children screaming, when you close your eyes you can see people looking at you, begging for mercy. hydra turned you into a weapon, a toy they liked to play with. something you feared most.

you had recurring nightmares, of you killing people, innocent ones, to get to your target and finish your mission. you can feel the electricity burning through your veins after every mission report, to wash it, to wipe it from your memories.

but it never worked. you sat up fast, gasping for air, screaming out in pain and agony. but your eyes adjusted to your surroundings, you were in stark tower, you were staying there since you escaped from hydra.

'hey hey, calm down, they cant hurt you anymore.' Tony pulled you into a hug, his hand rubbing rifles on your back, 'I remember all of them Tony. all of them.' he hated seeing people like this, in pain, because he knows what its like. 'let me get you help y/n, please.'

'o-okay.' you said through shaky breath, 'you can get through this. I promise.' 

imagines :)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora