just a kid from Brooklyn pt. 2

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jack hadn't stopped talking about bucky since Monday, he was telling all of his friends at school about how his mom is dating the winter soldier, but you reminded him everytime that they weren't dating, its just meeting for coffee.

but you secretly hoped that it would turn into something more, I mean come on, who wouldn't want to date bucky barnes? he is so dreamy, blue eyes, tall, facial hair, long locks, and he has muscles, its a miracle you ran into him. its more of a miracle that he wanted to go out with you.

when you arrived at the coffee shop, you were a little early, only because jack was too excited to get there and see bucky again. you picked up your phone to text him that you were there, but soon remembered it would be a lost cause since he didnt have a cell phone of any type.

'moooooommmm' jack looked up at you, tugging on your shirt, 'whaaaaaaaatt' you responded back, 'is he here yet?' you gave the cashier your card and looked back down at him, 'I dont know buddy, do you see him?' he looked around ver observantly, he then sighed 'no, I dont!'

when jack finally picked a spot to sit down in, he was asking every five minutes if he was there or not. you hadn't had your hopes up, if he showed he showed, if he didnt, he didnt. this is for jack, not me.

you were letting jack play on your phone next to you, while you looked out for bucky. when you were about to give up hope and go home, you saw him walk in.

you smiled and waved when he saw you, then you nudged jacks shoulder, 'is he here is he here?!' he almost dropped you phone, 'yes he is, and be more careful!'

he looked up, spotted bucky and ran to him to give the man a hug, you stood up, not knowing what to do, you stood up making sure he didnt run into anything or anybody. he was a pretty clumsy kid.

'you came!! we were getting worries that you wouldnt'

he squeezed him tighter 'I wouldn't miss it for the world kid'

when he sat down, bucky sat across from you and of course jack sat right next to him, 'lemme see your arm!' 'jack!' you scolded him, but bucky laughed it off, 'he's fine, dont worry about it.' he pulled his sleeve up to show off is metal arm to jack.

he was telling him all of the stuff he can do with it, and it took jack alot of convincing that it was in fact real. but you and bucky got to talking, he was really interesting, but he found you mesmerizing.

'so, if you dont mind me asking, where is jacks dad?' you knew the question would come up, so you took a deep breath to prepare yourself for telling him the story. 'if its to personal you dont have to tell-' you put him off, 'no no, its fine' 'well, he was never in the picture. it was just a hook up. do I wish he could have met jack? yeah, cause he is an awesome kid, but sadly. I haven't seen him or talked to him since.' you were gazing at jack with heart eyes, and when you looked back at bucky he was staring at you with heart eyes. 'he is a pretty cool kid, but his mom is even cooler.'

which of course made you smile from ear to ear. bucky then gave his attention to jack, maybe this is your chance. to have a relationship. to have a family. for jack to have a father.

'hey do you want to go to the park bud?' you asked jack and was so excited, 'yes! can bucky come? please please pleeeaaase??' you grabbed your phone from him, 'you will have to ask him.'

he looked up at him with pleading eyes, 'I would love to go to the park with you.'

when you get to the park, you let him go play around, but make sure to keep an eye on him. 'thank you again, for doing this. it was probably hard for you.' you looked over at him, studying his features, 'it wasnt that hard. its not every day I see a fan of the winter soldier. besides, i like jack. he is very smart, and funny.'

you didnt know what to say after that, it makes your heart swell when people compliment him, but when bucky said it, it felt like he meant it. 'I want to be there for him, if you'll let me' he was now looking into your eyes with meaning. nobody had ever done that before.

'that would be amazing, thank you so much.' you hug his neck and he kisses your cheek, 'my pleasure.'

this could be the beginning of something great.

imagines :)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن