Charlie puth imagine

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Charlie, is only 26. that is still pretty young, but you were only 19. not even legal to drink yet. but you didnt see a problem with it, you were in school, studying journaling, and you were out here, living your best life.

you didnt actually decide to make your relationship public, it just kind of happened. Charlie posted on his story you signing-totally off key- attention and his fans blew up.

at first, they were happy that he was in a relationship, because he had earlier said that he was ready to find a wife, and then they found out that you were only a freshman in college.

they did not like that at all. it was like they had a say in who he was able to date.

while he was doing his summer tour, you went along with him. you of course, saw nothing wrong with it. there was no harm in going on tour, with your boyfriend, right?

when he was doing soundcheck, you thought you and Hailee would go to a little cafe across the street. you ordered for her, standing in the surprisingly long line, you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"you're y/n right?" you nodded, and the girl scoffed "I cant even believe he is dating you. you are way too young, you should be dating someone closer to your age, I thought he was smarter than that."

you were shocked, you usually had a smart comeback, but with this, you had nothing. Hailee saw you, and immediately came over to you, "is everything okay?" you nodded, turning back around.

she rubbed your back, "you sure? you look shaken up." you nodded, pulling a twenty out of your purse, handing it to Hailee.

you went back to your table, still anxious. if she was willing to saw something to your face, what else would happen? would you get threats next? you pulled out your phone and texted Charlie about what happened.

Hailee kept pressuring you, she knew something was wrong, "okay, that girl, said that I was too young to be dating Charlie, and that he was smarter than that."

"that is so messed up. I mean, if they were actual fans, they would support him in everything he does. thats not cool, do you want me to say something?" you shook your head, drinking your coffee/tea. "it will only make things worse."

you walked back over to the venue, and went into charlies dressing room. he was sitting on the couch, typing something on his phone, "hi." you stated, you were drained of all energy, of all emotions to be honest.

he stood up, engulfing you in a hug. "im so sorry that happened to you baby." he rocked you side to side, "its fine." you said, no emotion in your voice, "no, its not. I tweeted out about it, saying if they wouldnt support us, that they couldnt support me. because I love you y/n, I really do."

you looked up at him, and smiled, he wiped the tears away from your cheek. "I love you too." you kissed his lips, and his hands roamed all over you, "you look good in my shirt." he said, which made you laugh.


imagines :)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें